Oh yeah i like this head But can you made more details at the headphones? pls This would be cool from you ^^

#edit: oh sorry i dont saw that you write: i dont edit head after its made <.<
Can you make me like epic smileying Head ? he would have headphones and green hair THanks i can give money

Send private message if you accept
Basic description: Gangster
Color scheme: Marine
Customization: Put my name on the back
Effects: Shadows

Could you make me a gangster with a hoodie?
Basic description:Can I get something like the head with the white skin and the gray and white hair? Not exactly that but just something like it. Can the hair be blue and black though and with a sign at the top, just something other than the fail sign. Thanks in advance fail :3.
Color scheme: (such as background/foreground color) anything that loks good?
Inspiration: (if any, such as a movie or game): The head I refered too up top.
Customization: (this is stuff like text on the back)Kt700 at the back of the head in small-ish font
Effects: (stuff like shadows or glow)I don't know
Size: 512x512
Last edited by kt700; Apr 15, 2010 at 10:18 PM.
OK i have an announcement.

to keep people more happy.
i will now be starting heads whoever is last on the list.
so if your not last try again untill you get picked.
and if i finished the last head then ill be going backwards.
reasons for this: some people have forgotten about there request.
i want to get the newer fresher request finished. so thankyou.
wait so i need to repost?

edit: if so here

Color scheme: Noxious/neptune beanie(noxious beanie) neptune sunglasses, uhh brown hair poking out of beanie
Inspiration: none really..
Customization: none
Effects: none
Size: 256X256
yes. as of now.

since kt700 is the last request listed ill be starting now. and when im done and theres a new reqeust at the end. il b doing that one.