nice pics..

also i have been lazy with my pictures xO
It's Mr.AkumaBeast for you! oh and...
Check my inventory if you wish to buy flames.
umm this wisps flame is mine not akuma`s and no i do not accept o.o

also i forgot to add this special flame!

flame : Pringlez
forged by : Veb
price : 80k
pic :
Last edited by NobleDemon; Jul 1, 2010 at 04:03 PM.
sup akuma
Right hand flame forged by Fnugget
Name: Inferno rh
Price: 50k

do you accept items.if so, i offer full body texture item set with a 512x512 head item + maya force+the set below.
Attached Images
cartoonp.jpg (22.8 KB, 7 views)
well the texture item set is worth 36k and a 512x512 head item is worth 20k and the set is worth min 10k and maya force 10k.Overaw its 76k all.I dont see whats the problem with the price.How about if i put in more items in the offer like beetle emote,aqua relax and acid dq.Now a deal ?
dude plz check df prices full body tetures are sold for 18-22k 512 head is sold for 14-16k so no and i do not need the set sorry =/ also maya force worth around 4k o.o
lol ? the prices your saying about these items are not true...its really hard to find them with the prices you explained.Its like giving them for free.Im talking about the real price of the items from the torishop.Your just a bit greedy -.-