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spirit Wrestling Competition
Okay ladies and gents, here's how it is. Since a few weeks ago, some of you may have noticed a new mode going around in the [m] and spirit servers. This mode is Amateur Wrestling, created by Mr-Deanster, suomynona, Stonewall and myself. This piece of insane badassery (spiritTV 10) should prove to be more than enlightening on the rules of the mode. If that doesn't explain it well enough, then allow me.

This mode was designed with pure grappling in mind. There are no dismemberments, only fractures. You can't directly damage the opponent, but you can damage yourself, so you have to be careful. You fight inside a circular ring, in sambo-like gravity. There are three ways to win a match:
By Points: have more points at the end of the fight than the opponent.
By Ring-out: Have the opponent touch the ground outside the ring.
By Pinfall: Pin any part of your opponent to the ground for 30 frames straight.

The competition will have a maximum of 24 fighters in it. To apply, you must post in this thread stating that you want to participate. Then one of the people running this comp will PM you stating if you have or have not been accepted (we reserve the right to reject applications, but rest assured it will only happen if there is a good reason). If you are accepted, you must send 750 Toricredits to Mr-Deanster as an entry fee.

The competition itself will unfold in two stages: Elimination (first stage), and Tournament (second stage).
NOTE: All events will take place during weekends.

Elimination Stage
This stage will occur on four separate goes, roughly one week after the applications are all filled up. During each scheduled time, all the 6 or less players in an assigned group will meet up in a designated server at a designated hour, where a comp referee will be waiting. Each person fights each other person in randomly determined order, and each fight racks up points for that person, according to the following designation:

Loss - 0 points
Draw - 1 point
Win by Points - 2 points
Win by Ringout - 3 points
Win by Pinfall - 4 points

As you can see, priority is given to pinfall victories.
As a special rule, if you get two straight draws, you are eliminated automatically. This ensures that only people with the will to fight are in there.
If, at any given time, you start to act like a complete dick, you are out of the comp. This is meant to be a fun event, and the refs won't stand for anyone flaming/spamming/etc and ruining people's fun.

After each person has fought each other person (up to 5 fights), their point totals are tallied. The two people with the highest score will move on to the Tournament Stage, which will be held one week after the Elimination Stage is completed.

Tournament Stage
This stage will occur all in one go. The 8 winners of the Elimination Stage will be randomly paired up, and will fight best-out-of-three matches to determine the semi-finalists. The four semi-finalists will be paired up at random on the spot, and will once again fight best-out-of-three matches to determine the finalists.
Once finalists are decided, the defeated semi-finalists will duke it out (best out of three) to determine first place. Then we move on to the main event: the Finals.

During the finals, the two remaining killing machines will fight it out Best Out of Five, and with the point system in play. Whoever has the most points after 5 fights becomes the Champion. In the event of a tie, we move on to Sudden Death: the first one to win a fight by pinfall becomes the Champion.

Good luck to all contestants, and...

First Prize: 200K Toricredits, Full Typhon Set
Second Prize: 50K Toricredits
Third Prize: Sapphire Force

Confirmed Fighters
1. Sam1
2. suomynona
3. HomerDawkins
4. Ishi
5. Drakhir
6. ronalds
7. Slith
8. War_Hero
9. NutHug
10. JePoY
11. Siku
12. CMon
13. Dalir
14. alienshoe
15. The_guv_na
16. Amok
17. Aviator
18. Zackerie
19. Acidlord
20. smeebob
21. Jok
22. Moltex
23. Odlov
24. Imsku

Elimination Stage Groups
Group 1: Saturday, 26th July, 1900 GMT spirit server
5 Drakhir
6 Jok
9 NutHug
17 Aviator
19 Acidlord
23 Odlov
Referee: Mr-Deanster

Group 2: Sunday, 27th July, 0000 GMT server #30
4 Ishi
8 War_Hero
10 JePoY
13 Dalir
22 Moltex
24 Imsku
Referee: Stonewall

Group 3: Sunday, 27th July, 1900 GMT spirit server
2 suomynona
7 Slith
16 Amok
18 Zackerie
20 smeebob
21 Ronalds
Referee: Mr-Deanster

Group 4: Monday, 28th July, 0000 GMT
1 WeRd
3 HomerDawkins
11 Siku
12 CMon
14 alienshoe
15 The_guv_na
Referee: AaronSasori

All times and groups are subject to change depending on personal needs. If you want a different group, or none of the times fit you, notify us.

Go to this website to check timezones.

The idiots who made it all possible:
Rhaken - Organizer, Replacement Referee
Mr-Deanster - Promoter, Referee
Stonewall - Advertiser, Referee
AaronSasori - Official Nabi Host, Referee

Everything above is subjected to change. When changing happens, there will be a notification below this text.

Major Edit 1: People can't read too well nowadays. Sign-up section properly highlighted now.

Major Edit 2: Contestant List Updated. Not necessarily by order of application.

Major Edit 3: Added a rule I completely forgot. Check under the points section.

Major Edit 4: Times and Groups added. Changes will be made according to personal needs.

Major Edit 5: Group 4 had its time changed.

Last edited by Rhaken; Jul 26, 2008 at 09:43 PM. Reason: Schedules
<stonewall> spiritBot: choke on a dick
<&spiritBot> That's not a floating planet.
Chozo and Delaid have now been replaced. Sam1 and JePoY have taken their place on the lineup.

If you have any doubts about your schedule or want it changed, notify us.

NutHug needs a time change for Sunday. Any takers?
<stonewall> spiritBot: choke on a dick
<&spiritBot> That's not a floating planet.
Originally Posted by Kickass View Post
Other three refs dont know me ingame either lol

assuming suo, stonewall and deanster.

I'm not a ref. :P

The refs are listed under the list of boneheads who made this possible. :P

I have contributed exactly 750 tc to this contest, nothing more than any of you other people, so therefore, I haven't helped make this possible in any real way.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
yeah, i realised that after i posted. was too lazy to edit
[RelaxAll]Nikelaos:Kickass is chained to this clan with indestructible shackles, his balls are also superglued to the chair.

I want to be part of it ^_^

Ill send the TC once you tell me to
The Greatest Noob Who Ever Lived.
Originally Posted by Rhaken View Post
AaronSasori - Official Nabi Host, Referee

Aaronsasori isn't a Game Keeper anymore.
Originally Posted by JePoY View Post
Aaronsasori isn't a Game Keeper anymore.

GameKeeper != Nabi host. Aaron got us the prize with hampa's permission, after all.

And to all those who can't seem to read too well:

<stonewall> spiritBot: choke on a dick
<&spiritBot> That's not a floating planet.
Originally Posted by Rhaken View Post

Just thought I'd like to drop in and reinforce what Rhaken said. If anyone else asks to join beyond this post, depending on what mood I am in, you could be lucky enough to receive in infraction. (Unless of course another spot becomes open, and you are asked to apply again)
Originally Posted by Rhaken View Post
GameKeeper != Nabi host. Aaron got us the prize with hampa's permission, after all.

And to all those who can't seem to read too well:


Some people just skip that part of the post then... Eh?
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