Originally Posted by nickbritt0 View Post
cold pizza is the best thing in the world for breakfast...

Why yes it is. With bacon.
my clan was deleted
Originally Posted by Gman View Post
Hello my dear friends, how are you? What's new?

Hey there Gman.
Im doing good~ , and nothing is new.....
"You're not welcome in Gamindustri."
Everything is new, and nothing is new.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by Toolfree View Post


Old English nīwe, nēowe, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch nieuw and German neu, from an Indo-European root shared by Sanskrit nava, Latin novus, and Greek neos 'new'.


1 Produced, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time; not existing before:
'the new Madonna album'
'new crop varieties'
'this tendency is not new'
(as noun the new) 'a fascinating mix of the old and the new'

1.1 Not previously used or owned
1.2 Of recent origin or arrival
1.3 (Of vegetables) dug or harvested early in the season

2 Already existing but seen, experienced, or acquired recently or now for the first time:
'her new bike'
'a new sensation'

2.1 (new to) Unfamiliar or strange to (someone)
2.2 (new to/at) Inexperienced at or unaccustomed to (an activity)
2.3 Different from a recent previous one
2.4 In addition to another or others already existing
2.5 [in place names] Discovered or founded later than and named after

3 Beginning anew and in a transformed way:
'starting a new life'
'the new South Africa'

3.1 (Of a person) reinvigorated
3.2 Superseding and more advanced than another or others of the same kind
3.3 Reviving another or others of the same kind

[usually in combination]

Newly; recently:
'new-mown hay'
'he was enjoying his new-found freedom'