Name: Max
Age: 14
GMT: -5... I think. Time zones aren't my strong point.
Bio: I'm a very stereotypical "nerd". I play Magic: the Gathering and other related games and love Netflix, and am a little obsessed with math. Mainly, I watch Doctor Who and MLP :P. I play ice hockey, guitar, baritone saxaphone, and am starting tennis soon. I'm widely regarded as the most creative kid in my grade (not saying much though ;) ) and am always designing stuff. I'm not even 5 feet tall, which is in my town saying something. My family is small :P I'm also a persistent little bugger. So I will most definitely try to talk about how amazing Rainbow Dash is.
Reason for Joining: I've always wanted to be a part of a clan, but all the ones I could see were either elite clans or clans I didn't really want to join. I love MLP with a passion, so when I saw this existed I thought "Woah my gosh" and came right here! Also I've browsed through a lot of the threads and members of this clan seem awesome.
Skype: lernermax13
Favorite pony: (Of the main 6) Rainbow Dash

At the very end c/p this sentence to the end of your application so I know that you read the instructions carefully. "Friendship is magic."
Last edited by mlerner12; Mar 17, 2014 at 01:30 AM.
Ik don't know this one yet... You have a very good app but you're only orange belt while playing since December.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

Idk... it's just not what I'm looking for.
This place isn't really active anymore either... most people who join these days tend to leave again soon thereafter.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
Originally Posted by zwouter View Post
Ik don't know this one yet... You have a very good app but you're only orange belt while playing since December.

I see how you mean. I didn't really start playing until late January (I got a working computer) and have gotten a lot better... But I'm still not very good.
I take it I can't redo it? Lol, I should be used to rejection by now
Last edited by mlerner12; Mar 17, 2014 at 01:24 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
You can redo it if you want. I mean, I can accept you right now, I just don't know if you want to join... because this isn't really an active clan and all.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
No, I want to join. I don't care about whether people are active much or not, I love MLP and I want a clan, but can't make one. So yeah, it's up to you. But I guess I'll try again.
Name: Max(well)
Age: 14
GMT:-5. I think. EST, so I may be wrong.
Bio: I'm very bad at bios. As you know, I love Doctor Who type TV shows, and like a lot of creative type things. That's why I like toribash: not the violence but the creativity.
I don't draw well, but I'm good at three dimensional art like toothpick constructions. I'm also very spontaneous, so yeah. That's a thing. I'm really persistent, too, almost to a fault.
Reason for joining: I want a clan (Not desperately, but I do want one), and I love MLP. I perused the clan list and noticed this, and was like "Wow, this is about to be a thing"
Skype: lernermax13
Favorite pony: THE MUSIC PONY! Otherwise Rainbow Dash.

Again, it's up to you and if you think this clan is too inactive, your choice. I'm fine if you turn me down, but I do want this. ;) Persistent, indeed.