Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Tori CARNIVAL: Shogan's Enigma
Hi all,

To kick off this September, I have a guessing game for you. I have something in mind and you have to guess what it is. I will try to answer by logging in at least once a day to during my busy schedule.

1. Ask me one question per post. (The word 'and' will usually make it two and I will ignore it)
2. An attempt to guess the item is considered a question.
3. I will only answer either YES, NO or BOTH (meaning YES and NO).
4. I will answer the posts via EDITING and no one else is allowed to EDIT.
5. The prize pot begins at 0 tc and will not go below that.
6. Every YES answer I give will +5000tc to the pot. READJUSTED TO +2500 AT #88
7. Every BOTH answer I give will add +2500 to the pot. READJUSTED TO +1250 AT #88
8. Every NO answer I give will -100tc from the pot. READJUSTED TO -250tc from post #64
9. Do not ask the same question twice. Other players can refer me to the post number of an already asked question and you will receive a yellow card. Second time it happens, it is a red card and you are out of the game.
10.Getting caught for asking a question previously answered YES results in a DQ.
11. The player who guesses the item gets the pot of tc.
12. PASS gives +250 to questions I cannot answer cause it makes no sense to my object.

Hopefully you can guess by the end of the month...lol...

I hope this game works the way it should

Last edited by Shogan; Sep 3, 2008 at 03:59 PM.
Originally Posted by Mahulk17-0 View Post
is it emote colors?

I think I've already asked that, so watch out.
Is it Aek?

NO... I don't know what Aek is but it ain't that.
Last edited by Shogan; Sep 3, 2008 at 03:55 PM.
pot 72750

I have add a PASS +250tc for questions i cannot answer using YES, NO or BOTH. I wouldn't make sense. It helps give a clue too.
Err, is it a cactus? <.<

Last edited by Shogan; Sep 4, 2008 at 06:24 PM.
does it have petals?

POT 72000
Last edited by Shogan; Sep 4, 2008 at 06:25 PM.