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Ranking Rewards
Ranks where reset today and here are some updates.

Ranking rewards:
#1 globally ranked player at 23.30 CET will receive 2000 TC * day of the month.

5th of August the reward is 10,000 TC (2,000 TC * 5).
31 of August the reward is 62,000 TC (2,000 TC * 31).

Total amount of TC payed out in August will be 992,000.

Tournament1 to Tournament15 are ranked servers with various mods.

Ranked Black belt servers:
/join ranked2 - Judofrac
/join ranked3 - Lenshu3ng
/join ranked4 - ABD
/join ranked5 - ErthTK
/join ranked6 - Greykido

The GMs and admins will and can experiment with the server setup during the month.

A handy ingame command that list the current top ranked players and their ELO:
/ranking global

View global ranking on the forum:

[Progress 4th Aug]
jack9918 and Zalf have both been on top for the first 4 days.

Zalf has played 116 games as #1
jack9918 has played 141 games as #1

We are keeping track for Elo ranges for future restrictions.
| EloRange | Players |
| 1570-1580 | 3 |
| 1580-1590 | 50 |
| 1590-1600 | 2190 |
| 1600-1610 | 889 |
| 1610-1620 | 54 |
| 1620-1630 | 20 |
| 1630-1640 | 16 |
| 1640-1650 | 8 |
| 1650-1660 | 1 |
| 1660-1670 | 1 |
| 1670+ | 2 |
Last edited by hampa; Aug 4, 2015 at 02:29 PM.
Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
rcarey fistoflife, tlcux, Orko, Mwah, Killer3366, Diamond to name a few
If you want more, I can name.
But I dont think naming great players that evryone know are good means anything or is an argument towards anything?

+ Irookie, Shmevin, Shockey, Snook, Inoobbruh, imapirtae, itemp(fukthisguythou).. etc list, i think interesting thing would be if hampa can name just 1 good player.

Originally Posted by hampa View Post
I'm tracking the average Qi ranked players win against.

If anyone figures out a way to only play against whitebelts it will show.

Hello Just go look at all the ranked lobbys, %90 of the players in there are terrible at the game. I played 1 day of this ranked mode and went like 26-4. Just so easy its dumb, not just for me but for almost all players with some level of understanding.
Last edited by FistofLife; Aug 4, 2015 at 09:54 PM.
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post

You're not the best player for beating some random 6th Dan who's never dueled, in your best mod, whenever you want. Just picking your opponent and picking your mod. You're the best player when you could get any of those guys listed, in not one particular mod, but instead ErthTk OR Judofrac OR lenshu3ng OR aikidobigdojo, and hang around a 3-2 score.

If you beat Killer3366 in a 3-1 in lenshu3ng, you deserve a lot more respect than going 45-3 against nobodies in judo.

This is the problem that needs to be adressed. By either matchmaking or elo restricted rooms.
Im something like 90W-19L in erthtkv2 right now. and around 5 of the losses were against Moop, its just a testament to how easy it is to farm.
Going something like 10-7 agaisnt moop, fist or any decent TK player is 10x more impressive than getting a 10-> streak in public lobbies.
Im not the only one who can farm like this, there's probably like 10 others who could but just don't. I just like seeing my name in #1, does it make me a better player? hell no.
Last edited by cowmeat; Aug 4, 2015 at 10:15 PM.
I think the rank system is perfectly fine imo
"We cannot tear out a single page of our life, but we can throw the whole book in the fire"
Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
This is the problem that needs to be adressed. By either matchmaking or elo restricted rooms.
Im something like 90W-19L in erthtkv2 right now. and 5-10 of the losses were against Moop, its just a testament to how easy it is to farm.
Going something like 10-7 agaisnt moop, fist or any decent TK player is 10x more impressive than getting a 10-> streak in public lobbies.

I think you overestimate how much ELO you get from beating beginners.

A 1680 player will only gain 0.36 ELO against a 1600, but those times you lose you go down 1.6. So to farm low elo players you need to maintain a 4/1 win ratio.

A smart player would seek out high level ELO players and beat them to both gain ELO faster and at the same time push down the other high ELO players.

Let's say someone manages to seek out weaker players the whole month and gain entry in the the final tournament. His skill won't be enough there anyways.
Originally Posted by Zalf View Post
I think the rank system is perfectly fine imo

#1 is here
Last edited by hampa; Aug 4, 2015 at 10:34 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by hampa View Post
I think you overestimate how much ELO you get from beating beginners.

A 1680 player will only gain 0.36 ELO against a 1600, but those times you lose you go down 1.6. So to farm low elo players you need to maintain a 4/1 win ratio.

A smart player would seek out high level ELO players and beat them to both gain ELO faster and at the same time push down the other high ELO players.

Let's say someone manages to seek out weaker players the whole month and gain entry in the the final tournament. His skill won't be enough there anyways.

Nobody who wants a high rank is going to play against me in my stronger mods. Im starting to feel like you know very little of your own game in its current state. I dont mean to be rude.
lol you guys are hilarous, what does hampa have to do if the players mentioned are barely active! most of the players you mention played a pretty low number of games.

the elo system is fine, it just needs time to balance itself out. That is noobs playing against good players..etc etc..

Maybe extending the season to two month would be good, but other than that..seems fine.
Last edited by Gynx; Aug 4, 2015 at 11:43 PM.
Your messed up world enthrills me
Originally Posted by William View Post
lol you guys are hilarous, what does hampa have to do if the players mentioned are barely active! most of the players you mention played a pretty low number of games.

the elo system is fine, it just needs time to balance itself out. That is noobs playing against good players..etc etc..

Maybe extending the season to two month would be good, but other than that..seems fine.

what the hell? be respectful man.

The problem is that nobody who is going for a good rank will play high skilled players in their own mods. I can get about 6:1 ratio in public erthtkv2 pretty easily, thus gaining elo steadily (been doing that for a while now). So why would I risk it by playing against someone like Moop (if i wanted only to climb elo)?
Originally Posted by William View Post
so get better at the other mods, and beat them in it. what's the problem here? god.

Well now, lets say i played 2k games greykido, poof now im good at greykido, then nobody is going to play me in that mod... That is not an solution.
Originally Posted by William View Post
Honestly. I checked your games like a day ago, and you've only played TK.

in the end everyone, will play mostly in what they're good at. you can't force players to play other mods. it will count though in the end, in the tourney.

i'm the first for matchmaking, but if it doesn't work..well the current system is the best.

and how do you determine who is a skillful player and who is a noob?

Wtf dude is that a troll question?? I can't believe I need to explain this to you.

Elo restricted lobbys stop noobs being vs pros. Everyone will start at the bottom at the start of the season and players would work there way up the lobbys. The noobs being filtered off as they struggle gain elo when in higher lobbys.

e.g. lets say there is 7 lobbys. 1 the top tier, 7 the worst. A noob gets to tier 5 he beats people only just, he gets into tier 4 then he losses all and gets knocked back into tier 5. This would mean he is a tier 5 player.

Originally Posted by Zalf View Post
Really anyone can stop the top 10 players is you guys should just stop complaint about the rank system and actually fight in tourneys. It's not like the players that fight the top ranked players not have a choice to then can just leave the lobby, there public tourneys. Tbh you kinda can't farm in public rooms/tourneys cause anyone can join.

Anyone can join, and the people that join just happen to be %90 noobs. The reason no really good players are playing is because its extremely boring winning against noobs for hours.
Last edited by FistofLife; Aug 4, 2015 at 11:06 PM.
Playing more games doesn't make you better. Being active doesn't make you #1. If you want your Ranking System to be an activity check, by all means do nothing. But most people who give a damn about ranks want the ranking system to accurately measure who the best is.

I'm not going to be insulting or disrespectful. This isn't suppose to be personal, but Zalf is not among the best 15 players in Toribash in any mod in Toribash in actual skill level. Plenty of those 15 log on and play nearly every day. He isn't anywhere near that. He's above average. If Zalf plays the average 3rd Dan I don't doubt that he goes 5 wins for every 1 loss. But I highly doubt he could go even 2 to 1 with any legitimate top 50 in Toribash in his best mod, let alone across many competitive mods. That's the last I'll say, this shouldn't be personal.

You have a system that rewards sneakily playing 10 players and going 9-1, while completely avoiding the players who you would lose 3 out of 4 games with. It's a noob farming system, with a monthly reset. The only improvement is that at least it only happens in mods that are competitive. We don't have any rank 3 global players from Shaolin Soccer

Match making, random mod out of a competetive list, playing a series of 5 rather than just one match, and longer seasons fixes all of these problems.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Aug 4, 2015 at 11:06 PM.
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