Original Post
Forums Visual Overhaul
Hi, we're currently working on visual overhaul for forums and would like to gather some of your thoughts / showcase what we've got so far.
This thread (and this post in particular) will be receiving updates as we add more stuff.

You can also try it yourself by enabling "Modern" forum skin in User CP options: https://forum.toribash.com/profile.php?do=editoptions

Base theme will be dark but we'll also be making a light one based on it once it's finished.
You'll still be able to use current default styling (forums only) if you wish.

Some misc info:
- New visuals are built with Bootstrap.
- All pages scale accordingly to your device screen size. On some pages, that would also hide less important information for devices with smaller screens (see screenshots below).
- Fonts we use are Roboto, Roboto Condensed for top navigation and Badaboom.
- We want to bring back post voting/rating system.
- Search is now available for all users who can make posts.
- Social groups and Competitions modules have been disabled due to their redundancy.

Forum Home

Board view

Thread view


User CP

Some details on breadcrumbs:
Breadcrumbs (top dark bar with "Toribash Community / Toribash / ..." text) is always visible and will stick to top of your screen both in desktop and mobile mode. In mobile, it's also used to hold a button to open main navigation menu.
Quick search will search for threads or posts within forum section, board or thread you're currently viewing. For example, searching "Overhaul" from forum home, News board and this thread will give you three different results. If you want to apply custom search settings, choose "Advanced search" option from the right breadcrumbs dropdown menu. When viewing user's page (member.php), it will search for the user under specified name.
Last edited by sir; Sep 26, 2019 at 01:11 PM.
Originally Posted by Thronior View Post
I can get to my inventory and to my PMs from there but not to the user cp page with both updated subscribed threads that i havent read yet and unread PMs

Clicking your name (not the icon) in the top right corner shows a dropdown. From there, click User Control Panel, and then choose either Account Details (avatar, signature, usertitle, etc), Account Privacy (obscure privacy options), or Forum Settings (changing your forum skin, and other forum related things).
Originally Posted by Creati0n View Post
Clicking your name (not the icon) in the top right corner shows a dropdown. From there, click User Control Panel, and then choose either Account Details (avatar, signature, usertitle, etc), Account Privacy (obscure privacy options), or Forum Settings (changing your forum skin, and other forum related things).

I'm using mobile and my name is not in the top right corner, and if i click on the dropdown menu in the top right corner there is no usercp option. What i do have is read unread PMs as an option and from where i get redirected, the usercp is in the dropdown menu, but i cant open the cp itself i need to choose an option like subscribed threads or private messages.

The user cp is my homepage on my mobile browser bc i check it a few times a day just to see if anyone PMed me or if there's any news in threads im subscribed to. It still exists even in this version of the forums with the dark theme and all but i can't see how to access it without just inputting the url
Some updates:
- Updated usercp and clans navigation on mobile which can now be accessed by pressing the button on the left side of breadcrubms
- Fixed bug with current clan war having messed up styling for fights
- Other minor styling tweaks (darker icons for light theme, small css updates etc)
Originally Posted by sir View Post
Some updates:
- Updated usercp and clans navigation on mobile which can now be accessed by pressing the button on the left side of breadcrubms
- Fixed bug with current clan war having messed up styling for fights
- Other minor styling tweaks (darker icons for light theme, small css updates etc)

What are breadcrumbs?

Ok i found the button but it's not available while reading a thread, it inly is there if you're on a user cp related page
How accurate is the % of games in each mod? Is it counting from a specific date or is it including every game you've ever played?
Counted from a specific date
The white text on white background when writing a post in the Light theme ought to be changed.
Last edited by Ele; Dec 9, 2019 at 01:25 AM.
Originally Posted by Holotor View Post
How accurate is the % of games in each mod? Is it counting from a specific date or is it including every game you've ever played?

It counts all games since January 1st, 2011
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
The white text on white background when writing a post in the Light theme ought to be changed.

Should be fixed now, there are still some more issues with WYSIWYG editor due to its backend using deprecated javascript functions though which I'll be addressing later. I don't really want to disable WYSIWYG until it's 100% operational in case someone actually prefers using it, but chances are everyone had the default advanced editor enabled earlier (difference is WYSIWYG applies formatting directly and advanced editor shows bbcode tags; WYSIWYG was broken for Chromium-based browsers due to outdated forum backend that was updated about a month ago).

Also fixed the bug with clan rank creation failing on new themes, should be working as expected now.