Oh i'm so happy i'm an owner of the ragnar benson survival guide (how to jam an abrams tank) etc

so yeah, i would meet with my best friends, we all have on good surviving ability, i would be the hunter, guy with the guns, my other firned knows EVRYTHING but really everything about nature, so he'd get us some edible plants, my other friend just knows some stuff about everything...

i can pick locks etc, unjam guins (isn't that hard)

if all of my friends were dead i'd commit suicide, i really cant take loneliness

*edit contrary to you retards belief, snipers or pistols don't do ANYTHING to zombies

you need something like an rpg, a shotgun or a flamethrower
chainsaws might work as well, but i bet zombies arms are longer than the average blade of a chainsaw

or this, but with a shotgun

also, robbing sports stores is a good idea, dried food etc
btw, governments arent retarded, once a zombie pandemic breaks out, they'll fortify the borders of that partiular country/island/continent/half of the world
and gather the survivors to the countrys that arent infected

burning down houses and killing helpless, complaining people is the most liberating thing ever
Last edited by Arglax; Mar 6, 2010 at 03:48 PM.
f=m*a syens
Originally Posted by Khocol4te View Post
All you guys act like you'd actually be able to do something.
In reality, everyone would have already thought like you, so all the gun shops would have been raided.
Most likely, all of you would have died.
And all of your plans are unrealistic.

Mine is the most realistic, hiding under a bed and crying is what I would totally do.
If they don't find me under my bed, I'll probably die of starvation.

We'd die like heroes trying to protect the fucking world while others like you "Crying under the bed" will die doing nothing.Your plan may be realistic, but it's a COWARD plan, and I don't support it at all.

Originally Posted by Arglax View Post
-snip snip-

*edit contrary to you retards belief, snipers or pistols don't do ANYTHING to zombies

you need something like an rpg, a shotgun or a flamethrower
chainsaws might work as well, but i bet zombies arms are longer than the average blade of a chainsaw

Looks who's retard, fag, your opinion is failing, and you think that a zombie is a demon who can survive to anything till it's burned to ashes or completly removed from existence via explosive.

Way to kill a zombie is to destroy it's brain, you can destroy the brain with mostly anything if used right, beside the easy stuffs like bottles,cd-cases,plastic stuffs, and so. Also, fucking pistols, rifles are one of the most easiest way to destroy the brain, a direct hit and done.

Think of it twice before you say something stupid.
Last edited by dbuhos; Mar 6, 2010 at 04:30 PM.
Centuries Of Damn
Zombie Land, just watch that :P.

Only way this stuff could come true is like I Am Legend. Scientist will try to make a cure for cancer, which they are doing it now. They will cause a virus that is from the cure and will miss up our Genetic DNA and will make us just want to eat everything.
What I Would Do
Ok first I would buy this book (in gift wrap... cuase who doesnt love gift wrap) and read it.
Then I would to all the local Gun shops and stock up on various zombie kiling paraphanalia then I would get to the presidential bunker and kick obama out.

I would bring along various medicinal devices along with a huge-ass chainsaw and a flamethrower.

I would keep the temerature rather low in the bunker so if i happened to get infected i could survive longer. I would also have a hottub in a "troical room" if i am not infected, or if i am and im like "screw it... better to be a zombie than a slowly freezing kind-of-zombie"

I would have plenty of foodstuffs including Maruchan(tm) ramen and lots of citrus to prevent scurvy. I could have a water source inside the bunker (i think they have one anyway) and so i wouldnt die of thirst.

I would have my own terrainium or a bonsai tree to keep myself occupied. I would also broadcast a continous signal of morse code and voice (in multiple languages). I would broadcast on all frequencies by pirating the emergency broadcast system, therefore reaching everyone with a working radio or television.

I would NOT do what the guy did in the movie I Am Legend eg. blow myself up just to save 2 people, unless they were crucial to the human survival.

I would also have high power sun lamps posted near all entrances and exits of the bunker to ward off zombies that get to close.

I would create a form of bioengineered animal that is immune the plague and reproduces quckly. It would be good if it also had the frogs ability to switch genders in case of a lapse in the male or female groups. I would use these animals when my food runs low.

I would use stoves that use the least amount of resources possible... I may even modify it.

I would also bring some who is not related to me and about 4 women to repopulate the earth if need be.

That is the basics of zombie survival in my opinion.

I believe I would survive rather long.


I wuld pump myself full of roids (a big dick doesnt matter if your the last human alive) and beat zombies to death with my fists!

but the 1st one would work best... seeing beating zombies heads in may be fun but not very usefull.
Last edited by darkdoom1; Mar 6, 2010 at 06:13 PM.
Mammary Gland Holders of the Humanoid Lifeforms Commonly Known As, Homo Sapiens.
Originally Posted by Arglax View Post
*edit contrary to you retards belief, snipers or pistols don't do ANYTHING to zombies

you need something like an rpg, a shotgun or a flamethrower
chainsaws might work as well, but i bet zombies arms are longer than the average blade of a chainsaw

Yeah, because snipers and pistols definitley will not kill the zombies, nah, 50cal snipe to the head won't do anything. You are right. I am going to buy a 12 gage and run out in the middle of the zombie infested world, having to keep shooting to keep from dying, when I could have just bought a sniper, 50cal or not, sat on my roof, ate hamburgers and shit, and sniped. Shotgun is effective, but will eventually kill me if I do not have partners. Even if I do have partners, I would still have to be point since I have the close-range weapon.

Originally Posted by Khocol4te View Post
All you guys act like you'd actually be able to do something.
In reality, everyone would have already thought like you, so all the gun shops would have been raided.
Most likely, all of you would have died.
And all of your plans are unrealistic.

Mine is the most realistic, hiding under a bed and crying is what I would totally do.
If they don't find me under my bed, I'll probably die of starvation.

Tbh, most people OWN GUNS AND HAVE THEM IN THEIR HOUSES. Some people wouldn't even have to move an inch to get ready for the zombie apocalypse, maybe they are crazy and already stocked up on food, and maybe they have a bunch of guns, and got it all way before the zombie apocalypse was happening. Gotta think outside of the box.
I would NOT do what the guy did in the movie I Am Legend eg. blow myself up just to save 2 people, unless they were crucial to the human survival.

Sometimes it takes sacrifices.
The guy in I Am Legend blew himself up to save humanity. Didn't you see the movie? Those 2 were in that tiny bunker thing or whatever, and they had the cure for the zombie things, so he would blow up most of them, so none of them could see the 2 people in that tiny bunker.
Yes, I did.

Like if you see someone being chased by a zombie, I would leave their ass. I wouldn't take a risk of being ate up.
Depends on if you have a gun, if I even had a pistol, I would try to kill the zombie. Hell, what is not fun about killing zombies?