my name is Finn,
18 years of age from Ireland

I was referred her by Tabby. I'm a bit off an on and off player and not too forum active, i mostly want to join to meet some cool people and maybe make new friends along the way ^^'

I'm mostly a boxshu noodle player and I do parkour/spar here and there when i get the chance
Attached Files
so far im happy.rpl (1.46 MB, 2 views)
skeet.rpl (161.0 KB, 2 views)
oh yiss.rpl (115.7 KB, 2 views)
1 to 2.rpl (85.2 KB, 2 views)
good good.rpl (1.09 MB, 2 views)
Last edited by surfer2u; Mar 5, 2018 at 07:23 PM.
surfer2u: Denied. You can apply again in two weeks! 06/03/18

*my personal advice to the next time (if you apply again), try to introduce yourself a little bit more, we like to know about who applies! Also try to communicate more, to have a better connection.
Hello cuties.
Im Evien, Wife and a lot of other names. I want to join your blessed clan.

- I will get my name Evien back at this account soon

About me

About my TB life

Why do I want to join?

Originally Posted by Kriegery View Post

Sorry not sorry

Any reason? So I can be more good to join.
Originally Posted by Duke View Post
Any reason? So I can be more good to join.

Well, the main reason you were denied was because us at Adventure don't like you/don't see you being a good fit for the clan, it's not exactly something you can improve on.
Sorry, but we aren't willing to take you on.

P.S: We aren't racistic.