Original Post
ToriConquest '09
ToriConquest '09

The first annual Conquest competition


Okay, so long story short, I'm back, and I thought up a way to organise a tournament that's WAY different from all the competitions that are currently out here. This 'might' be an annual thing, meaning I want it to be, and if there is demand, it sure as hell will be.

The Pitch

You know how all these tournaments are just regular knockout tournaments, or stuff like that? Then you get the league and some other competitions with a bit more organisation? Well I'm taking this a step further.

Behold. The Conquest!

First off, there are spots for at most 60 players. These players will organise themselves in teams of 2 to 8 players. This doesn't mean a clan will necessarily have to have a clan team. A multi-clan team can be formed, or a NO-clan team can also be formed.

Upon signing up, each player will provide a form containing information about their character. This form will be made available when signups are open.

The basic premise is this. You are [your-name-here]. You've been entered into a tournament. This is life-or-death. You have a collar around your neck that will explode if you fail to follow the rules.

You and your team start in one of the squares on the map. Each week of real time will mark the passage of one day in-game. This means you have around 5 days of real time to decide amongst yourselves where you will move (you can move one square per in-game day) and post in the week's thread (you can stand in the same square for any amount of time, should you decide to). After each day I will sum up what has happened with a short story, and examine everything.

If you end up on the same square as another team in a day, you will have a fight. This will work like a tournament, refereed by one of the people helping me. The winner remains there, might receive some kind of prize if it's an exceptional fight, and the loser is gone from the game world for 2 in-game days (2 weeks), after which they spawn on a random empty tile.

If a team loses 2 battles in a row, they are disqualified.

This will all form Phase 1. In this phase you should try to eliminate as many teams as you can, form alliances if you will, and get everything ordered.

Phase 1 will last for a week in-game. That is 7 weeks of real time.

After this, Phase 2 will start. I won't spoil it, but believe me, it'll be fast paced, and probably filled with a lot of alliances being broken.

Right. So you're probably going. What the hell. 7 weeks? You should know this is a 21 week project at the very least. It's a competition that is going to take that long. True, you're not going to be actually fighting that often. Once a week, maybe once every two weeks at the most. The majority of the time will be spent on organising, planning, and me writing everything out with a storyline.

As such, this will probably not be a very tense competition, and will be pretty laid-back. Think of it as a strategy game.


Sign-ups will be opening approximately 2 weeks from now, however I'd appreciate it if people would start forming teams and PMing me stating their interest to participate. Sign-ups will last for 2 weeks, and will be free, however I will reserve the right to deny a team in order to make room for another.


Nothing has been settled on here as of yet, but the prizes will be fairly large. To be discussed further.


Feel free to use this thread to participate in meaningful discussion about this competition. As such, if you only intend to post 'good luck' or 'participating', please don't. You may ask questions here, offer suggestions, or offer assistance.


Since some people don't get it, I'll bold it. Post here if you're asking a question, offering suggestions, or assistance. Not for stuff like 'this is unique' or etc. Trying to keep this clutter-free.
Last edited by Jok; Feb 2, 2009 at 11:42 PM.
No-one wanna join meh team?
Wait... there's somthing on your neck... let me get it off... there, done... oh wait, that's your head. Oh well. COOKIES RULE!

If you already have a form ready and want to take your chances, you can try to submit and I might try to fit you in.

I will begin counting the teams and making a list.

I will post the list today, make the intro tomorrow, and it's game on as of Monday.
We have not hit the 60 member mark. Every team will be participating. If you still haven't submitted, you can still try to catch me before I'm finishing up the intro, and will be getting in still.

Teams (in no specific order):

-Cherry Cherry Baby: MANtrain(L), NutHut(C)
-Rag-Tag: rarrar(L), P0int(C), Epicwin
-Andreys & Co: Andrstar(L), DareDron(C), Andreyoshi, PrevedSLKO, MAdnesss, Hehebugaga
-The Punishers: WolfBR(L), Boris17(C), Kick147, AcidSnake, DrAgZ, Squid
-Hybrid: Gerkkou(L), 2Bash(C)
-Melon Physics: suomynona(L), stonewall(C), siku, RedDevil
--XB- (X-treme Bashing): MaDWoozie(L), Bossy00001(C), Nargama, GerFight, Glade, Pyro0000, Geko
-Hunter and the Hunted: SaiC(L), iDo(C)
-Chicken Wingz: Danvari(L), Shin-Ryuu(C), SlipAnc, Verax, Steveirwin, Nachouru, Psyfon, Rutzor
-Team Zero: Splinter(L), Tamer0(C), DeeJayy741, Toriboomer, OrAclE, leilak, killpiu, Not4You

48 members signed up.

If your team is not on here, but you submitted, please contact your team leader/co-leader and inquire. I may have asked for more information and not received a reply yet.
Last edited by Jok; Mar 8, 2009 at 10:19 AM.
Please can you enter fr_death's team ?
There are all fr_death description by PPT :
Name: Destru
Description: Destru was a little countryside farmer. He lived near a sea where was hidden Black Goatee’s treasure. Destru was really small and bold but his unusual size made him able to sneak everywhere. He was hopeless mentally speaking for he didn’t’ know how to write but was a loud and restless speaker. He was a Nice guy full of good sense and kindness. He knew everyone in town. This small village was called Bewtifulltown where he used to sell eggs, fresh cow milk and everything his farm produced. The only trouble in this town was the Van Barok Baron who made the villager pay taxes so that he could pay himself lots of expensive useless things. One day Destru couldn’t handle it anymore so he decided to setup a complot to get rid of the evil baron. But when he heard about the toriquest he decided to postpone his coup d’état and get the reward that’d help him get the Baron down

Name: Max

Max is a patriot.
Born in France, he joined the army after his scholar studies.
He first tried to help as a field medic but he took taste in combat and joined the infantry .
He liked small group enemy infiltration, so he joined a pitiful commando team and swiftly got promoted as team leader
After some pathetic missions he thought it was enough so he left.
His life was simple, he found a well paid small job and was thinking about getting old with it.
When some day he heard about the toriquest he decided to quit his job.
Who would’ve taught it... his soldier side took the upper hand…
He would do anything to make the French torination triumph…

Name: Alpha152

Description: biologic feminine humanoid weapon (liquid clone)

Alpha 152 is the final Alpha product of multiple humanoid weapon, cloned from Kasumi’s DNA by the Donovan an Evil genius, she just got out pf the factory, alpha is like a blank blackboard, that’s why her combat instincts written in her genes can activate anytime. She ran away from her conception area while it was getting destroyed, and found herself confronted to the wild world!
But what is alpha doing in the Toriquest? We don’t know her real motivations, but we do know that she’s killing mercilessly everyone getting in her way… you’d better be on her side than in front of her those times!

First Name: ------------Toritrip-------------


Toritrip is a man who had feelings about war and the army

he was a Russian boy, his family’s death shocked him for the rest of his life !

He became an orphan and spend long years switching from adoptive family to an other...

One day, his foster father enrolled him in the army...

Toritrip lived that very badly so he decided to leave Russia for France ...

There he joined in the Foreign Legion and learned straight discipline and how to fight... after his military career, he went in a group of activist. With his new camaraderie they decided to take over his new fatherland!!!!

Toritrip has a really unstable temperament he can be very angry and a second later a kind and lovely person. He has a lot of experience in fighting and in life for he is a old man and has an unwavering will to take over their territory




sny was at home.
he had the slab, he would kill to have a pizza!
but he didn’t even had enough money to buy himself a full texture set plus a pure force.
he could not eat ...
what a crual world! letting the poor sny die...
the rich are always getting wealthier while the poor struggle to survive...
this deprived sny only had a sapphire force, an adamantium relax, gradients are adamantium and gaia,
he had aqua trails, a chest and head texture.
oh and without forgetting the gaia emote text and neptune timer and ghost
he is a 3rd dan
can you picture the poverty of this guy!
a beautiful day while he was getting ready to go beg, he saw an add on the TV (yes, he lives in a friend’s house)
Toriconquest! you can earn TONS of Toricredits! Do not wait, go sign up!
sny listened to the add, he didn't wait...

that is why today, while his hunger is still growing, he is determined to win!
(especially since he still is a 3rd dan: p)
Happily, there is a Free buffet



Feldor was early a Formidable warrior, at the age of 8, he began to train on his own, secretly...

Later, he decided to enter in the "fr_army", a secret army with the best warriors only, they all know how to fight with katanas, Polearms and with their fist.even though he had a realy bad and moony temperament. When he heard war was beguining. He volunteered immediately. He wasen’t afraid of death. And already fought many times ,once he fought knight Mathieu,whose life he spared. We may aswell say that feldor will be there…
His techniques may be a little basic but he’s ready to fight till death …
He has long blond hairs green eyes. He’s a tall man witch will be an asset as well as his strength.
With his valorous companions they’ll make Fr_Death proud and will come back victorious

They are ready to die for the independence of the French torination

He indeed is a Black Belt!

Name: Ppt

Story: No one knows when or where Ppt was born not even himself... in fact everything before a summer day ,where he found woke up naked almost drowning at sea, is a blur. Ppt was a well built 30 years old man finding himself incredible physical abilities like an incredible might and an awesome agility granting him the power to help people around him in their everyday tasks requiring a minimum of strength, an also enabling him to work in construction sites. He earned enough money from these small jobs to buy himself gladiator and chronos outfits helping him to master time and perform better in combat. Some day while he was wandering in a dark dampen street he saw an old man who was about to get harassed by a couple of guys .it showed up that the elderly man was a Mixed Martial Arts master who took Ppt under his wing after beating those smugglers’ asses. He taught Ppt the art of fighting leading him to multiple counties around the world nourishing his will to become even stronger. He used to train in Dojos where he once met some guy who belonged to a French clan. He asked him to join them so they would advance together in the path of warriors. The newly called [Fr_Death]Ppt then got to manage his anger in an unusual way making his blood turn green he indeed got orc blood flowing trough his veins. Together him and few members of his clan decided to undertake a quest in
order to make an independent and powerful French Torination. There he is and he’s ready to fight.

If you receive a pm of ppt sorry for the derangement ^^
Last edited by firecedfr; Mar 7, 2009 at 09:03 PM.
Black Belt : No clan !
Originally Posted by firecedfr View Post
Please can you enter fr_death's team ?
FR1: Firecedfr - Scratch73 - Kelvin0
FR2: malick - vermine
FR3: melmoth - Alpha0 - meuhgo
FR4: FlaNby - destru - Matthieu
FR5: sny - Spokyou - vins84

Please send the team forms and individual forms via PM. But I'm not adding that many teams. Less teams with more players, please.
Great. That's my team out. Or rather, me out.
Wait... there's somthing on your neck... let me get it off... there, done... oh wait, that's your head. Oh well. COOKIES RULE!

How to skip Phase 1 & piss off Jok :P (unless all teams dont move at the same time)
Last edited by Zaarock; Mar 8, 2009 at 09:33 PM.