i had i virus where id boot up my comp and it had pretty much removed vista from my lappie
i had to run the install cd from bios
that was when i was stupid and i downloaded a runescape member ship generator

She's got more wrinkles than an Elephants scrotum.. Then Hampa's... Uhhh.
thing was called virtumonde....a very persistant little fucker, ruined a whole drive ! I'm still not touching that drive even tho i could just nuke the thing.

Oh yea..and something else, dont really remember what it was called.
A defragmentation bomb or something. Kept extracting random data until your drive is full. THAT was fun ^^
Last edited by Rutzor; Feb 25, 2010 at 02:43 PM.
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic
I got a worm once. Fucked up my computer terribly. One day, it just didn't turn back on. Somehow my motherboard blew out.
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

The MSN virus.

some one sends you an link with, Lool is this youuhaah~!! (link)
and im so stupid to click on it.

thats an virus that sends the same message to everybody in your contact list wen you logg in automaticly.

after 2 days i found an anti vorus for it.
the worst one,i got was,somthing in japenese,but, norten said it was worst virus ever...isoon found that out, it took my vista out, nd my laptop caught on fire from the virus overheating A LAPTOP, oh btw NEVER go to i meen u can, it just makes popups everwere,then it sings "you are an idiot..HAHA HAHA " its funny, but just letting you know that if somone sends you that link
Last edited by moocow1; Mar 2, 2010 at 11:19 AM.
1.Norton doesn't say that things are "the worst virus ever"
2.A virus can't make your computer catch on fire.
the god
I have had quite a a few doosies in my day...

(1) I was one of the 1st victims of the MonkeyVirus (I believe) I had to replace my motherboard

(2) That Facebook virus that happens when you open a message and an error pops up, just as a warning to you guys dont click the 'X', close it from taskbar or force quit
@Cula, There are some viruses that fuck up everything so bad it makes your computer Process a little to hard, and in the process overheating -Point at number one-
Last edited by MOBI; Mar 3, 2010 at 11:07 PM.
I just found out my computer has a virus called Olmarik or something . Before i knew it , i can't start anything. Good thing i have my laptop. Now I can't clean it and it has infected toribash ;-;
All my work has been deleted.
And i can't conect to anything.
Anyone know a good thing against this?