Originally Posted by me
when u download a mod u dont open it to play it.

You move it to CProgram Files\Toribash-3.0\data\mod
open toribash
and select it in the mod menu.

search next time... or suffer my wrath!
I have a question about the version and the mods. I'm just wondering what is the oldest mod I can use with version 3.06? Other than the ones already in the game. I would do a search but the dang search thing is picky about things smaller than 4 letters or characters.

Alo, how does the engageplayerpos work? because I try to use the dang thing, but whenever I try to use it, it defaults to having no numbers after it, not even 0.
You should be able to use any mod.
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend."
-U.S. Army Training Notice
*breaks door*

The reason I'm asking about the player pos thing (actually I did a search and it's something unimplemented right now) is because I was trying to change the start location in a mod in single player (not in making a mod, but playing it). I know how to change the start distance and height, but not the relative position or something.
I know it's not a mod question, but it's in relation to using mods. I tried asking in multiplayer, and I think someone said that I can't change the position in a mod, as in rotate the start position or shift the center of reference that is used for start position.

Oh yea, is something suppoused to happen for the cube launcher mod? because nothing happens and when I look inside, it looks like something gets stuck.
Last edited by smjjames; Dec 1, 2007 at 03:11 AM.
engage space and engage pos is for 3 and 4 play i believe...
the oldest mod is twinswords
to change you loaction type:
/mp # # # #

/mp [0 for tori 1 for uke] [left and right pos] [forward and back pos] [up and down pos]
for example
/mp 1 1 0 10

would move uke to 1 0 10

doesnt work online
Last edited by MrPoptart; Dec 1, 2007 at 04:20 AM.