Originally Posted by Sarutobi View Post
For your information, Sang, now that I am the leader of [elite], I am required to be a permanent acid cunt when faced with immaturity. Also, for once, I gotta say that josemi didn't really spam. The big letters could've been avoided, but he offered up a good point. We need an updated clan video. However, I do not know how to edit videos, work the movie.lua, nor do I have a video editing program. While I am sure that I can get past all of these obstacles if I had the time, I do not have said time, and for that reason, I will reach out to the clan as a whole. Does anyone know how to edit videos? I would ask Gubbin, but he's busy with his schoolwork and such. Gubbin, if you would like to make a video on your freetime, I openly welcome your aid. As for the rest of you, who can make a clan video?

gotta find mac stuff that would word first
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl

I will make the clan photo now
I may make a Christmas picture too
if anyone's Jewish and wants a Hanukkah picture, just rage me
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
HOLY SHITTING MOTHER OF EVERY SINGLE GOD IN THE OLYMPUS SARU! o_o mind if i set that lil thing as my screensaver on my phone?

also clan pic and christmas pic = sex thank you very much chief ^^
[elite]Sarutobi: I had a lvl 10 testicle... best day of my life
well Sang, it's not my art
it's just art
got it off of some site, i saw it and i thought, "[elite] would love this" so I put it here
there is a minor setback in doing the clan picture
greatone doesn't have a picture
I completely overlooked this and take full blame
I will pose him up and take a picture, then I will make a clan picture
I may or may not make Christmas picture.
I have finals in the morning, so I have to be in bed, but I'll try to get what I can done.
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
I got greatone's pose done, but there's not enough time for me to make the clan picture today
Mark my words, so long as I can get on the computer tomorrow, it will be done.
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
Urk, I'm-a failing at GIMP
Well, more accurately, GIMP is failing me. It's been acting screwy, and has closed on my project three times, erasing everything I've done.
I got this very basic concept picture ready to show you guys. Here it is, let me know if you don't like a pose or whatever. Also, everyone lol @ greatone's pose, it be retarded o:
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]