Your arm and leg looked incredibly twitchy at 730. Everything else about the opener was okay.
Cool decap, but why the hell would you just reverse everything like that?
Boomhit looked alright, not very solid though.
The next one was a bit better. It looked like you had a bad angle but you still got it.
Pose looked good.
One thing I disliked is how you grabbed for 3 out of 4 hits. I have nothing against grabbing but when it's excessive it just becomes not enjoyable for me.
oh yeah
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
Cool decap, but why the hell would you just reverse everything like that?

This is the first time I have no idea what you're talking about.
What decap did I reverse badly? :v
After the split you're rotating right and then you grab Uke and you just go left all of a sudden, not even a little bit of vertical rotation to mask it :u
oh yeah
I have to disagree with pusga, that rotation change looked really sweet.
Opener looked really slow, especially didn't like the ab extend.
The spin was pretty nice and the back kick was super. Considering aiming those properly without getting dm'ed is a pain in the ass, that was pretty well done.
As I said at the start, I liked the rotation change. It made the hit more interesting.
The jump after the boom looked really weird though, it was too relaxed plus you didn't get a proper launch/spin.
I liked the boom though, the angle was weird but the hit was neat.
The last dm was pretty bad, considering you dm'ed it with your elbow.

Amazing replay, keep working bud!
Originally Posted by chamara View Post
the back kick was super. Considering aiming those properly without getting dm'ed is a pain in the ass, that was pretty well done.

It's actually not that hard.

Anywho, opener was nothing out of the ordinary. Could say it was generic.
Your arms are way too stiff from time to time.
About the rotation problem, there were other ways to get to dm'ing the torso, I think I'd prefer to have seen that way than grabbing him and switching your flow.
The way you held your leg right after contact on the boom of the upper body didn't give the kick that look of destruction it deserved. Meaning, it looked weaker than it should have. Also, this is from a personal view point, but it felt like the kick was too close. The look of those kind of hits aren't appealing imo.
The little sweep you did to transition to the next hit was fancy, but try not to have a knee fully extended like that. Just looks stiff, even if it's around a couple of 30 frames or so.
Anyway, the boom on the glutes and crotch block was nice, but try not to hit from such a weird position. Not about you, but the way uke's lower body was positioned in your grab looked weird. The look of the actual hit felt degraded from this.
That little turn around you did was alright. You let your leg contract a bit too far, making your leg extend in mid-air. You brought it down to touch the floor while it was still extended. Stiffness, etc.
The last dm was unneeded since you didn't make it look good. And the spin afterwards was pretty derpy.
Finally, I'm assuming you wanted to try something different in a pose, but this one didn't work out. Try making it more stable instead of slowly leaning forward next time.

Originally Posted by chamara View Post
The last dm was pretty bad, considering you dm'ed it with your elbow.

There's nothing wrong with elbow dm's. It's just that people are not used to seeing them since not a lot of replay makers use them.
But, in this case, it was an inner elbow dm, so, whatevs.
Last edited by Kiza; Apr 27, 2013 at 03:42 PM.
Originally Posted by chamara View Post
I don't remember asking you your opinion about my cnc, d3.

I don't remember anyone having to ask before they call someone on their bullshit. Your logic is flawed.
It is afterall a replay and is made to look good. The technique used shouldn't matter at all.

So back to the cnc. The opener was good imo even though the first 30 frames didn't feel very unique. Even though it's very subtle, I like how you didn't go too low when you turned around. Not putting your limbs to their extremes will make you look pro when used correctly and in the right situations.
Then at the dm the free leg felt a bit floppy. I can't really explain it in a good way but that could've been a bit better. For the decap i like how you switched place with your legs. Was very fluid in it's own way, without being relaxed. The longer you can keep a flow like that the better it will look. Butterflykick surprised me but didn't really look bad at all. Your arms was twitchy on some occasions but overall it was nice. The spin throughout the replay was nice.
Last edited by Hattersin; Apr 27, 2013 at 07:34 PM.
PM me with any and all questions
If he's here to tell zet his opinion about his replay, he should do so.
What he shouldn't do is bug other people because they have differences of opinion.
Everyone has different opinions, what sounds crazy to one may sound perfectly logical to another.
Good job. 9/10
Pose was my favorite part out of the replay.
Kicks were nice and solid.
The punch to the last part of the torso was also nice.
Very smooth throughout the replay.