Originally Posted by Dogzy View Post
In-game Name: Dogzy
Real Name: Doug - any nicknames?
Belt: Black
Age: 15
In-game activity (0-10): 8 - how often hrs/day
Forum Activity (0-10): 4 - with 0 posts "4" hardly explains this number
Any previous clans and why you left them: Nope - answer as sentence
Why The Bomb Squad: Why not sir - wtf
How you can you contribute to us: I have great ideas - what are these ideas
Favorite mods: Most mods - specifics
Any bans/infractions: Yes I have Been banned. - reason
Other means of communication (e.g skype): I have almost every form of communication - example of which
Something about yourself: I am a really fun guy. - what do you do to be fun etc.etc.

Originally Posted by Dogzy View Post
More descriptive on which part?

In-game Name: Dogzy
Real Name: Douglas Nickname: Doug
Belt: Black
Age: 15
In-game activity (0-10): 8 As many hours as I can.
Forum Activity (0-10): 3 I don't have posts but i look around on the forums.
Any previous clans and why you left them: I have never been in a clan.
Why The Bomb Squad: I'm answering your question with a question "Why not?"
How you can you contribute to us: If you want me to do something i will. sir
Favorite mods: I don't have favorite mods i will play what you want me to. I just might not be good at them.
Any bans/infractions: Yes I have Been banned because the people that where op-ed didn't like people to join and they couldn't add a password for some reason.
Other means of communication (e.g skype): I have Skype, Steam, a Phone, Kik, Facebook, Snapchat, etc...
Something about yourself: I honestly have nothing interesting worth telling...

is that descriptive enough?
Last edited by Dogzy; May 9, 2015 at 05:28 AM.
In-game Name: niener
Real Name: jevan
Belt: 2nd Dan black
Age: 13
In-game activity (0-10):9
Forum Activity (0-10):8
Any previous clans and why you left them:nope
Why The Bomb Squad:I need a special map with in the map has my goal the problem is i need to find the the treasure and i think this might be it
How you can you contribute to us: by being a easy person to talk to amazing skills in ABD and lenshu type mods
Favorite mods: ABD and lensu mods FTW
Any bans/infractions:nah not realy
Other means of communication (e.g skype):
Something about yourself:Unicorns are amazing and life... I mostly like playing basketball or on my PC
Replays:decared GM 100% and MLG 2 de max
Hi my in game name is KrossStep I am currently a brown belt.
My real name is Nas and I am 15.
My favourite mods are Aikido Judo and Greykido.
I go on Toribash 6 days a week and on forums twice a week.
I was an old member of BadCo but I left because of inactivity.
I can contribute to the clan by helping with wars donating tc and more
I have never been banned.
I talk mostly through Skype.
I have chosen the Bomb Squad because I have met some of the players from Bomb Squad and they are kind.
So I would feel more accepted in clan.

Thank for reading my application and I will hopefully see you soon.
Real name: Ellen Simili

Nickname in game: MADalpha

Age: 17 years

My belt: 2nd Dan Black Belt

Modes: Aikido, Aikidobigdojo, taekkyon, judo, ninjutsu, wushu, xspar, graykido, parkours (fun), among other modes.

What is my reason for entering Clan: Due to certain problems with another clan, decide to come try to enter the BOMB, as I know that I will be loyal friends, true mates.
In-game Name: rcrichman
Real Name: Russell
Belt: 10th Dan Black Belt
Age: 12
In-game activity (0-10): 9
Forum Activity (0-10): 9
Any previous clans and why you left them: I tried to keep sync active, but no one was even trying, so I had no choice...
Why The Bomb Squad: I know some people in it who are very nice, and the main people left it so I want to help get it back on its feet.
How you can you contribute to us: I'm a good friend who can do parkour and aikido, so I can help teach parkour, and I can help doing wars
Favorite mods: Any Parkour, Spar, Abd, Aikido
Any bans/infractions: Infractions for poor posts, yet they were good posts saying that I would buy a certain item soon.
Other means of communication (e.g skype): Skype, forums
Something about yourself: I love playing soccer and I like Lot and Dhar's Youtube.
Replays: (uses swexxmod for PK1)
Nvm :/
Attached Files
PK 1.rpl (1.63 MB, 3 views)
Spar 3.rpl (1.57 MB, 2 views)
Tricks 1.rpl (559.9 KB, 2 views)
PK 4.rpl (712.9 KB, 2 views)
PK 5.rpl (684.6 KB, 2 views)
Last edited by rcrichman; May 23, 2015 at 12:50 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
'Haku is my lenshu senpai uwu' ~ Static
In-game Name: TomImura

Real Name: Dallas Knierim

Belt: 2nd Dan

Age: 15

In-game activity (0-10): 6/10 (About to be summer so this should go up)

Forum Activity (0-10): 6/10 (About to be summer so this should go up)

Any previous clans and why you left them: Ive been in sinon and had a computer malfunction witch sadly caused me to be kicked out
Ive also previously been in (Bomb) and ended up getting kicked out from my behavior because i did not Like the leadership of the clan but I see its been re-Vamped and Ive grown alot in maturity since that point

Why The Bomb Squad: Because i was previously in the clan and i love the idea of the voting/ranking systems

How you can you contribute to us: I can Contribute by helping out in the wars ang giving our clan a good rep

Favorite mods: Mushu/ABD

Any bans/infractions: Nope im a good boy

Other means of communication (e.g skype): Skype,kik,and steam

Something about yourself: Im usually a cool mellow guy that loves toribash. I never back down in a War even when im getting my ass handed to me. Im a brown belt irl. I also believe through pure effort I can help this clan get to the Top 3
Also one more thing to note I go camping alot and ill try to post before i leave for each trip

Attached Files
AWESOME PUNCH.rpl (22.1 KB, 2 views)
MY FIRST SPAR!.rpl (351.5 KB, 2 views)
Last edited by TomImura; May 26, 2015 at 08:55 PM.
"M-my fingers on the bench... C-centipedes... I-in my ears... A thousand minus... S-seven... Seven is what...?"