Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Hi my real name is Alex I'm 14 and a 2nd Dan. My in game play time is kind of a mess because I can only play every other week but play a lot when I can as for forums I prowl a lot of the time not posting much but more then I used to I also plan on being more forum active. The only clan I was ever in was (Godly) from early in the clans life till it finally died. I chose (Mythical) because its been kinda boring without a clan since (Godly) died and you guys seem like nice people. I found out about (Mythical) from seeing members around in-game. My favorite mod is boxshu but don't mind aikido and aikido big dojo. I have a few infracts for useless posts when I first started playing and a ban for duel scamming but they where all from over a year ago and wouldn't do those kind of things again now that I know the rules. I check forums a few times a day so if messaged I would notice in less than a day.

bow to me for I am the king of waffles
Originally Posted by ventoxiz View Post
Hi my real name is Alex I'm 14 and a 2nd Dan. My in game play time is kind of a mess because I can only play every other week but play a lot when I can as for forums I prowl a lot of the time not posting much but more then I used to I also plan on being more forum active. The only clan I was ever in was (Godly) from early in the clans life till it finally died. I chose (Mythical) because its been kinda boring without a clan since (Godly) died and you guys seem like nice people. I found out about (Mythical) from seeing members around in-game. My favorite mod is boxshu but don't mind aikido and aikido big dojo. I have a few infracts for useless posts when I first started playing and a ban for duel scamming but they where all from over a year ago and wouldn't do those kind of things again now that I know the rules. I check forums a few times a day so if messaged I would notice in less than a day.


OK application, try to find me ingame this week or PM me to get on and i'll test you
Originally Posted by ventoxiz View Post
Hi my real name is Alex I'm 14 and a 2nd Dan. My in game play time is kind of a mess because I can only play every other week but play a lot when I can as for forums I prowl a lot of the time not posting much but more then I used to I also plan on being more forum active. The only clan I was ever in was (Godly) from early in the clans life till it finally died. I chose (Mythical) because its been kinda boring without a clan since (Godly) died and you guys seem like nice people. I found out about (Mythical) from seeing members around in-game. My favorite mod is boxshu but don't mind aikido and aikido big dojo. I have a few infracts for useless posts when I first started playing and a ban for duel scamming but they where all from over a year ago and wouldn't do those kind of things again now that I know the rules. I check forums a few times a day so if messaged I would notice in less than a day.


I don't really know, while I like how he is honest, the first part of his application kinda bugs me a little. I can't quite judge it yet. Give me about 30 min to think about it and I will post my reply!
My in real life name is brandon

I am a white belt i was originally a black belt on my other account XxfangsxX but then i forgot my pass to my yahoo and tb because i was using gmail alot and i have a short memory

i recently turned twelve this year on february 3rd
i am 7 out of 10 active in game
i have the forums up all day everyday its just i dont post anything but read and look for people who can make me a skin set
If you aren't active on the forums, do you plan on being more active :yes i try to do lots of thing on forums like look at set but it never works out
i left bomb sqaud because it was falling apart
i picked this clan because i thought i should start from the bottom and work my way up to the top at my skill level and thought this clan would be able to help me train
i dont know why you should pick m my only good skill in tb is that im good at aikido
found mythology through my friends
am well at aikido figting and it would be a good skill for me during wars
my favorite mod is the mod im best at which is aikido
i have had 1 infraction on my other account
my skype is xxfangsxx
i find that i am a decent drawer and i can learn things quickly when they are explained to me in a way that it get my attention

and theres my app if im not accepted i would like to say thank you for reading this anyways
Last edited by Dubstepdemon; Feb 23, 2016 at 12:16 AM.
Originally Posted by Dubstepdemon View Post
My in real life name is brandon

I am a white belt i was originally a black belt on my other account XxfangsxX but then i forgot my pass to my yahoo and tb because i was using gmail alot and i have a short memory

i recently turned twelve this year on february 3rd
i am 7 out of 10 active in game
i have the forums up all day everyday its just i dont post anything but read and look for people who can make me a skin set
If you aren't active on the forums, do you plan on being more active :yes i try to do lots of thing on forums like look at set but it never works out
i left bomb sqaud because it was falling apart
i picked this clan because i thought i should start from the bottom and work my way up to the top at my skill level and thought this clan would be able to help me train
i dont know why you should pick m my only good skill in tb is that im good at aikido
found mythology through my friends
am well at aikido figting and it would be a good skill for me during wars
my favorite mod is the mod im best at which is aikido
i have had 1 infraction on my other account
my skype is xxfangsxx
i find that i am a decent drawer and i can learn things quickly when they are explained to me in a way that it get my attention

and theres my app if im not accepted i would like to say thank you for reading this anyways

I like the app but i want to test u ingame.... Try to find me ingame...also in which timezone do u live?
Doing art requests, PM me on discord Propialis#0839
Hi,my real name is majdi(say mesdi),im 11 years old,im a 2th black dan
My forum activity 7 and my ingame activity 7-8(on certain days)
My favourite clan is whisp3r i leaved it because it was an prettig inactieve clans do really want to join mythical because you seed like a very active clan and very talented,im prettig good at xspR and ABD,i could improve my activity and what i do in my free time is gaming and playing outsider and watching tv and staring out my window XD,why i picked mythical is because i think (personale)you are very good and active ,do you want to join clan war:yes
Why can i be Handy:im a prettig skilled fighter,,i do also listen to music ,what can we improve to you: using relax and gold more,GMT is dutch
Any band/infractions:only infractions and warmings
Als:yes holy5
Belt (on alt) orange or green
B-day 12-08-2004
How to reach me:ingame and on forum
and i really like about myself is that i am always very happy
Last edited by majdiben; Mar 3, 2016 at 06:34 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by majdiben View Post
Hi,my real name is majdi(say mesdi),im 11 years old,im a 2th black dan
My forum activity 7 and my ingame activity 7-8(on certain days)
My favourite clan is whisp3r i leaved it because it was an prettig inactieve clans do really want to join mythical because you seed like a very active clan and very talented,im prettig good at xspR and ABD,i could improve my activity and what i do in my free time is gaming and playing outsider and watching tv and staring out my window XD,why i picked mythical is because i think (personale)you are very good and active ,do you want to join clan war:yes
Why can i be Handy:im a prettig skilled fighter,,i do also listen to music ,what can we improve to you: using relax and gold more,GMT is dutch
Any band/infractions:only infractions and warmings
Als:yes holy5
Belt (on alt) orange or green
B-day 12-08-2004
How to reach me:ingame and on forum
and i really like about myself is that i am always very happy

Accepted, next time you make an app try making it a bit more clear and easy to understand
Real Name: Joe

Belt: Black

Age: 16

How active are you in-game? : Pretty active

How active are you on the forums : Not really

If you aren't active on the forums, do you plan on being more active : Yes

Previous clans, Reason for leaving : No previous clans

Why did you pick to join us : Because it seems pretty cool

Why should we pick you : Cause I'm awesome :3

How did you find Mythology: Recruitment Page

How you can you contribute to us:

Favorite mods : Boxshu, aikido, greykido

Any bans/infractions? : Nope

Other means of reaching you (ex. Skype) : I cant get it for some reason ;-;

Something you find interesting about yourself as a person : I can do weird stuff with my

Real Name: Aidan

Belt: blue(was black but gave up and have recently started back into toribash!)

How active are you in-game? :
How active are you on the forums :
If you aren't active on the forums, do you plan on being more active :
Previous clans, Reason for leaving :
Why did you pick to join us :
Need a clan
Why should we pick you :
I'm lonely and like to mix into the toribash community even more.

How did you find Mythology:
Clan recruitment
How you can you contribute to us:
By clan wars and repping you guys.
Favorite mods :
Any bans/infractions? :
Other means of reaching you (ex. Skype) :
Something you find interesting about yourself as a person :