the Major majorly insulted my selfie. I'm upset forever, but what can you do.

on discord we discussed a namechange? I proposed cacophony. the tag would be that, or (ccphny).

it gives us cryptic titles to choose from with inbedded words in them.

@xikkan i'm not sure either. hi, anyway.
hey "Incredibly Unflattering" is only an insult if the selfie was meant to be "flattering"

speaking of which i should post another "meant to be flattering" selfie of my facial hair progress because i'm sure everyone's wondering (<<<---- A Joke)

i like the word cacophony but am not sure about the (ccphny) tag but have no idea how else to adapt "cacophony" into a tag. (caco) maybe. the greek etymology is that the "caco" part means "bad" so that's, like, slightly funny.


scruffiness report

also since every pic i take of myself is from that exact same left-offset with me not making eye contact, here's a more-or-less dead-on pic with eye contact

i think this is pretty flattering ngl

photography of faces is kind of a wacky task cuz real facial expressions are more than what can be captured in one single frozen frame, but a facial expression that does make sense and look put-together even in one single frozen frame makes for a "flattering" photo, but deliberately forsaking what would look "flattering" could be its own goal for a variety of reasons so it's just a, uh, thing.

your selfie strikes me as mostly............ "thuggin". yeah, "thuggin" is definitely the word. partly because your left eye is in the middle of doing something kind of weird and unsettling that it probably only does at that exact angle. so if you added an eyepatch it would really change the vibe. yeah, lemme do that. this is a perfectly rational line of thought

ok so basically

there yeah now you look like some kind of cool hardened mercenary instead of an alcoholic thug. mission accomplished
Last edited by Brackass; Nov 6, 2019 at 06:55 AM.
MAJOORRRRRRR! what do i do. there is nothing to do. oh well.

good shit, you could go for maximum scruff real fast at this rate.

i'm not sure about cacophony anymore. i'm looking for a different word that means the absolute opposite thing but is also long and has a nice ring to it. maybe references music (instead of mess). awelotta & beansprugg are both classically trained music students so maybe they can help.
hmm. "Symphony". has some interesting connotations. (1. A complex composition. 2. Harmonious interaction, in the ear of the listener, between a bunch of different pieces of noise. 3. Harmonious interaction between people playing the thing.) Maybe could be spruced up. e.g. use the french version, Symphonie. Or "Symphonic". Or a longer name could be devised with some version of "symphony" in it.

"some phonies"
also, completely unrelatedly, last night i realized while testing stuff in Apex that iron sights (as in: aiming down sights without any optics attached to your gun) are completely misleading under various conditions. Optics are trustworthy, but iron sights can be thrown off by your movement and will be pointing at places where your shots aren't actually going. So don't trust your iron sights. Maybe "adjust your aim based on where the bullets are going" if anything. I don't know.

I find it pretty frustrating that the aim visuals would lie to the player.

Bugs reported on the Apex subreddit sometimes get addressed, so i made a short vid demonstrating the issue and put it up and it got a decent amount of visibility (hanging around in about the middle of the front page all day, including right now). Also put a bug report on their bug report forums. Not that i'm literally the first person to notice the issue, but it definitely hasn't received enough visibility.
Last edited by Brackass; Nov 7, 2019 at 01:27 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
i like the teamwork aspect of it. it's the reason i didn't like "cacophony", it implied we were a collective disorder. symphony is kinda cheesy though. let's dive deeper, here's what I have:
  • crescendo which is pretty thunderous, tag (cresc.)
  • LOUDER tag (fff), as in the notation for fortississimo. then we speak in all caps all the time.
  • atk, dmg or other accepted rpg game shortening of words as a tag. not sure about this one though. I don't want to be any of them that I can think of.
  • wog tag (wog) as in wog
some others, i can find them if i looked:

my favorite is acceso, the musical term for "on fire".

edit: fortississimo is listed as "as loud as possible". it gives us the option of denoting clan matters by putting them in all caps. I don't really like LOUDEST or LOUDER as a name, though, just as it is.
Last edited by absaglute; Nov 7, 2019 at 01:50 AM.
i am here. i like ccphny, it's kind of "aesthetic" or like, something you might see on high streetwear / hype beast(?) stuff? But that might also be a downside.

accelerando for speeding up? or stretto or stringendo also for speeding up. accelerando is shortened to (accel.)

wog is random enough to be uninteresting, in my opinion. IDK. I like caco or ccphny, but i don't know about other suggestions.
also @Brackass both bandcamp thingies sound pretty nice. They seem a little generic to me who doesn't listen to the genres, but I like the glitchy and fast parts a lot, and the other parts too.Speaking of glitchy stuff

very loud after a super quiet intro

is good
Last edited by awelotta; Nov 7, 2019 at 03:01 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
i think it's pretty funny that there's no explanation whatsoever given for why music would need a term for "literally on fire". i also think "wog tag (wog) as in wog" is pretty funny in a "no explanation given" type of way, too.

i definitely recognize that Symphony by itself is cheesy or maybe bland, but i still really like the word since it hits on so many interesting connotations (well, loudness and... complex interaction between a bunch of patterns/elements, mostly). It sounds very "vivid" or something. Whereas "crescendo" and "LOUDER" mostly just have the LOUDness with very little connotation of... complexity or comprehension.

i'm not sure how to really highlight the not-bland elements of the word symphony though. and i recognize that it's going to land boringly on people because people have heard the word too much before.
Last edited by Brackass; Nov 7, 2019 at 03:10 AM.
i'll think about it. this isn't even a democracy and i'm vetoing symphony, just for the time being

i'll try to figure out something that has the same positive qualities

I like crescendo as in "more!" and tag (fff) because of the repeating letters are normally meaningless keyboard mashes and it also extends to a capacity to give us a writing theme (capital letters)

i gave myself wog as my king arthur's gold clan name. in chat I would only type wog and variations of it.

awelotta's an expert musician so i've seen him play acceso numerous times. it's amazing.
Originally Posted by awelotta View Post
also @Brackass both bandcamp thingies sound pretty nice. They seem a little generic to me who doesn't listen to the genres, but I like the glitchy and fast parts a lot, and the other parts too.Speaking of glitchy stuff

very loud after a super quiet intro

is good

hUh that song didn't click with me but i should give it some more listens later and see if anything develops. It sounds very Aphex Twin-ish and for whatever reason i'm not usually in any mood to listen to Aphex Twin aside from the chiller more melodic stuff. even though i consider myself A Fan of Rhythmic Complexity, generally. i am probably not as big a fan of sheer rhythmic complexity as you are. i guess that's fine.

i feel like i used to be more into fast/glitchy at some point. have you heard uhhh Program Music I by Kashiwa Daisuke? it's not wildly complex or abstract but it's fun. Also "Bohemian Purgatory" by World's End Girlfriend. They're both sort of "orchestral plus glitch", but with orchestral's big sweeping narrative emotionality instead of whatever vibe it is that Aphex has that I'm not sure how to describe. Detached... intensity? I'm not sure what it is. Or what I think it is.
Originally Posted by absaglute View Post
this isn't even a democracy and i'm vetoing symphony, just for the time being

yes that's fine i do get that the word by itself is too bland and familiar
Last edited by Brackass; Nov 7, 2019 at 03:40 AM.