Originally Posted by Dare View Post
Haven't really seen him find us ingame, saw him once in a server that's about it which was like 5 days ago...

Ima stay neutral on this one.

Saw you a few days ago, wasn't on this weekend cause of marching band and LAN party at my house :P
Originally Posted by Dare View Post
Inb4 ztc is bands. Lolol

Totally am bands, password to my account is bands123
Last edited by Bonzi; Oct 24, 2016 at 07:30 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

Originally Posted by Malaki View Post
bands is denied welcome to ultimate ZtC01

Huh? You're not even in ultimate?

Nick: Bause , Pappii , Local trap boi &&& SoldSoul ( I wanted a scenery change for a while and played under the alter ego of SoldSoul)

Age: 19

Belt: Black, been playing since 2011 (bluepuma)

Forum Activity: As i progress into life im transitioning into a forumite. as of now 7/10

Ingame Activity: 21/10. i like to war/Duel alotttt nothing is better then free stuff ya feel?

Past Clans: Crooks before it was op. I went inactive due to computer breakage

Bad History: Duel scams. Not that i didnt have the items the kid was just being completely outrage so i took the L a little to hard. #blastedbhole

Why do you want to join?: I've idolized anyone in U for so long. i look up to beta in a hugeee way (art and skill ) I am close with Malaki and i believe that with me in [U] i can not only take my skill to the next level but with the mentor ship and guidance of all the OG's in [U] I can be a huge part of something bigger then myself. (the clan and the community)

What can you offer to Ultimate?: I consider myself an average player but i offer a dedicated quick learner who is willing to lose sleep to ensure that [u] and myself are tanken to the next level in game and or the community. I can solidify any opportuinty given to me to move up in ranks and set in stone an l any foe that tries to slander the teams name.

Additional information (free form) is optional. Limit to 1 paragraph. tooo be honest, I'm just a trill jigga who traps at home sells drugs plays computer games and is kinda op. I've looked up to bands,malaki,N3WB,Beta and just the OG's in this clan since it became a thing. I always remember wanting to purchase a Set from beta. But as he has seem to die. The dream still lives on. It would do me greaat honor to be a part of [U] kinda like a dream come true. Like future said though, ( "God's blessing all the trap bois" . SO be god like team. Provide me a blessing so i can count up blessing with the fam and mess up some numbers. Much love the trap boi.

Replays (post as an attachment): most a multiplayer for thats all i play and what this game is about. The kinda decently bad spar was my first spar/trick ever. I uploaded it to show that i am open to new things and dedicated to learning and adapting to any situation/Variable the team may throw my way.

Thank you for considering my application and for the time you may have taken to read this. even if it is a no. i appreciate the opportunity and its an honor. Much love
Attached Files
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Thanks for vouching on my end, its much apreciated bro <3