View Poll Results: Should Poppo be given his leadership position back?
3 Votes / 37.50%
3 Votes / 37.50%
Give it a couple more days.
2 Votes / 25.00%
Voters: 8. You may not vote on this poll
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Agreed. Poppo, you should be more mature and responsible, if you're going to be a leader for this clan, because at this moment, I think that Bruce should just become leader, seeing that he's done more for the clan.
Toribash = Gayness in the Anus.
Agreed, bruce has fixed a lot more stuff than you did Poppo.
He may not be ranked the leader, but he sure acts like one
R.I.P. Fyre (October 17, 2011-February 27, 2015) It was a great run guys. Miss you already
Somebody needs to take controll. And I will gladly be the "leader" if there is none that will do the job, or can not do the job currently.
i like cats
Just talked to "itsbruce" after a nice akido battle. May I be considered as an ally?

Reason for applying:Because bruce and I have a nice bromance going on
Infractions:What infractions?
Belt:8th dan
Activity level on forum:Low
Activity level in-game:Med
Favourite mode:Rape mode?
Best mods:Akido, Wushu
Favorite mods:NsumoVsLightfighter, Kepas_artillary, Fat tower joust, Urbanski2, Katana_joust, golemvsuke
Best replay:Triplepiecerexecution

I also have a few videos here, if you wouldnt mind viewing them. Some are very old keep in mind. But its nice to see a progression.
Last edited by Gidonzo; Jun 15, 2012 at 01:35 PM.
Needs more freetime
Yeah, to bad moncho banned xd.
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Zeus for Smod| I’m a god just deal!
The Brazilian (Dog) Godfather