Student really just means you are eligible to duel/have online training sessions with Trainers.

Simply anyone can just join the social group and look at the tips there.
hmm... in the line say that there are best of the best but unfortunatly i see just few guys who is good at aikido. It's bad couse students wont be any beter.
I'm interested in becoming a trainer for this program. ;)

I've been tested by Sly, and I'm a teacher now apparently, so I'm ready for duty.
Last edited by OfUnknown; Dec 5, 2009 at 10:55 AM.
[Ele] Leader | [Bleu] Supervisor | Artists' Co-op
They don't have a specific tag in front of thier name. Most of them are ingame, but hard to find, because alot of them have different time zones.

If you want to arrange a training sessions, you can just PM someone.

I currently am open :3
Im an official trainer now guys, if you want to arrange a time to meet me ingame, or want tips on something in particular, pm me