Originally Posted by Ishi View Post
Jokker, i mean when you push the button(maybe ` or something) like 30 or 40 force goes into the hand, in the direction of uke, and uke doesnt go anywhere, :s

i like it, a gun battle (if possible)


hmmm... i like that too but i don't want the body parts would go off or just fire something else and combine it with a mod that i wanted to be created by MrPoptart. =D thanks
Originally Posted by MrPoptart View Post
can scripts affect env ojs?

I'm suggesting an option script that can be editable even when you are playing in single player. EX dismemberment threshold : 100 then when the leg is near the head, chengeable to 75 or 50. How about that?
You can't change options in real-time. Yet? I don't think it would be possible without a pretty major engine reworking though.
I have a suggestion(obviously <_<), A script that lets you see everything the other person in MP is doing.(Might have already been suggested or made, bt I don't have time to search.)
i liek turtelz xd