Endurance Onslaught 6.0
It took me 4 weeks to find out how to use relax moves cleanly without dqing myself every match. Also my first thread wasnt good either, i posted in the wrong section.
Now im doing pretty good.
Olda | Clan [Element] | Black Belt
lets see...

I didnt know if you pressed "C" then your body held still so i limp fought or as i like to say i fought "Drunken Monkey" Style...

I did moves that weren't even seen or thought of for noob moves. These moves were a variation of a noob clap but even if they didnt move i still got my BUTT handed to me cause my arms would fall off and ram into my head, decapping myself

I lost alot and on my 100th or so fight, i only had 50 tc built... FROM FIGHTS!!!

And that's about it...
[Hunters] Look down retard... [Hunters]
You try to get away, yet you only make it quicker.
Well, I was an honest noob, as I usually am =D. I only went to newbie servers, talked alot, learned the noob clap, ect. I also always got pissed off at people who were obviously not noobs in the noob server.
Oh, and I didnt discover the forums until about a month into the game, which I immediatly learned the rules to after getting about 5 infractions in a row.
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

One of the noobiest things I remember is I went on a rant to a fellow noob about a master belt I had met.The other noob told me that he was a "hampa-slave" and no-one could get such a high belt without being a "hampa-slave".He left with the words of a tortured,yet respected hero among noobs;"im gona go kil sum hampa slaves".
Also,I tried to sell my orc/gladiator/chronos crap in-game in noob-swords servers.And I think I was the angriest noob in all of TB.Really small things used to set me off into a crazy flame-war full of 's and etc. I still get angry,though I have learned to control it. ^_^
"Life has a funny way of throwing wet sponges at our dreams." ~ MoreTh>n Freeman
I still act like a noob.
i was pissed off with quitters
Last edited by raiz123; Dec 13, 2009 at 10:58 AM.
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