its an ok replay :P 6/10
could have been a core split
could have had a better pose


It Somehow didnt actually take two posts

So, Now Presenting "Mobi Re-invented"

Attached Files
!Mobi_ BrEaKDoWn.rpl (207.2 KB, 6 views)
!Mobi_ Heli Much.rpl (104.5 KB, 7 views)
!Mobi_ T3H C00L3$T.rpl (93.4 KB, 5 views)
!Mobi_!M $T!LL FLY.rpl (76.6 KB, 5 views)
!Mobi_BR4!N DMG.rpl (69.5 KB, 5 views)
!Mobi_H3ARTL3SS.rpl (231.7 KB, 5 views)
!Mobi_R4MP4G3.rpl (90.6 KB, 5 views)
!Mobi_Sp4ZZ3D 0UT.rpl (113.1 KB, 5 views)
!Mobi_T!TY Fk3D(LOL).rpl (102.3 KB, 5 views)
!Mobi_WaT EET D3W.rpl (149.8 KB, 5 views)
Whoa lots of replays

Ill see to how many i can get to, and edit add the rest

Breakdown: thats pretty sick, could use a better ending though

Heli much: Neat heli, but if used as an attack it would be better!

Teh Coolest: That was overall, the coolest. It was neat, and the only thing i can say,
is that that kick where you hit the head, could be a bit smoother if you followed through and the head went with the foot. But hey, its good as it is.

Im still fly: This was pretty cool, and I love the heli at like 230. There was one part where the hands moved kinda unnecessarily, but that cant be changed without screwing up the whole replay. Best looked at with /opt uke 0.

Brain damage: Neat jump! Only thing, the pose was cool, but it wasnt exactly a pose.

Heartless: That was a couple nice hits, and you split uke into symmetrical pieces, which somehow makes it look better. I would say to cut out that whole bit after you throw the chest.

Rampage: Nice hit on this one! Just get into your pose a little faster, that extra flip wasn't needed.

Spazzed Out: Awsome man! I love that little stall and the pose too. One improvement would be to make that last kick do a dm.

T!ty fk3d: Neat heli. I love that first spin. The ending was a little weird.

Wat eet do: Nice grabbing. I like how smooth all the dms are. Very well chained together.

Now to my stuff.

24 is a replay I did a while back
24b is a modification

which do you like better?
Attached Files
replay 24.rpl (166.9 KB, 6 views)
replay 24b.rpl (218.7 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by DoubleG; Nov 21, 2009 at 04:34 AM.
Nice balance with uke's head DoubleG

I give them both 7/10, the second one looks very interrupted by the trick you do but it's funny so i gave it the same score despite the negative bit. Also, what's with that wiggle at the beginning? lol

I whipped these up just now as I'm falling asleep in my chair. ~15mins of work.

Actually I'm just gonna go ahead and add two more fun ones, one is the second time I completed the gymnastics mod and the other is the racecar mod.
Attached Files
1sleepy improv.rpl (96.5 KB, 6 views)
1sleepy improvEDIT.rpl (163.2 KB, 5 views)
1gymanstics hard 2.rpl (306.7 KB, 5 views)
1tokyo drift.rpl (117.0 KB, 6 views)
My shop
1st just grab and kicks? nothng special
2nd i liked the last combo but still just grabs and kicks
3rd nothin hard here._. Some months ago I made throgh this in -30
4th that was nice^^

can u plz tell me what replays is better. made em for oracles event
Attached Files
project hair.rpl (524.3 KB, 10 views)
heavy balls.rpl (488.5 KB, 10 views)
Holy Shmoly that project hair is nice
Heavy balls is even better!

I think project hair would be better if you stayed standing, but as you said, it was hard to balence

heavy balls imo is better
i like the smooth decap and the little flourish after it.
the no grab balencing head pose is great too!

and next person, your lucky.
no replays from me atm.