Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I'm not sure with the math, but it looks like it's setup to last hit under turret safely, then rest thrown into as. You could look up the cost effectiveness of runes to be sure.

Let's see here:

1 Attack Speed Quint = 717 IP atm, so 2 = 1434 for 9% attack speed.

So that build would:

Make you lose 4.5 attack damage from the quints
Make you gain 9% attack speed from the quints

Giving you 10.45 AD, 9% attack speed.


6 AS red marks, giving you 10.2% attack speed at 1722 IP
You'd lose out on the attack damage from those 6 red marks, so youd have 9.25 AD

So in actuality:

The "Piglet" build gives you 10.2% AS with 9.25 AD vs. what's been suggested her which is 10.45 AD with 9% attack speed. So the difference is, what matters to you? 1.2% more AS or 1.2 more AD? In terms of cost effectiveness, obviously AS always wins because of what you've previously mentioned. In application? I'd be dumbfounded if my CS came down to 1.2 more AD; however, late game 1.2% more AS could be a little more beneficial because percentages scale better.

But it's like... so fucking close that it's so irrelevant to a guy like me to compare the two builds.

The point is: y'all suggest AS in your ADC builds. Why? Why would you go full AS runes as a korean? Wouldn't last hitting be...really hard?
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
Let's see here:

1 Attack Speed Quint = 717 IP atm, so 2 = 1434 for 9% attack speed.

So that build would:

Make you lose 4.5 attack damage from the quints
Make you gain 9% attack speed from the quints

Giving you 10.45 AD, 9% attack speed.


6 AS red marks, giving you 10.2% attack speed at 1722 IP
You'd lose out on the attack damage from those 6 red marks, so youd have 9.25 AD

So in actuality:

The "Piglet" build gives you 10.2% AS with 9.25 AD vs. what's been suggested her which is 10.45 AD with 9% attack speed. So the difference is, what matters to you? 1.2% more AS or 1.2 more AD? In terms of cost effectiveness, obviously AS always wins because of what you've previously mentioned. In application? I'd be dumbfounded if my CS came down to 1.2 more AD; however, late game 1.2% more AS could be a little more beneficial because percentages scale better.

But it's like... so fucking close that it's so irrelevant to a guy like me to compare the two builds.

The point is: y'all suggest AS in your ADC builds. Why? Why would you go full AS runes as a korean? Wouldn't last hitting be...really hard?

K, here's the theory behind it. Since attack speed is the most costly stat to get through items (zeal and zerks and what have you), it makes the most sense to get the most of it that you can as a base, as attack speed items tend to give little to no other bonuses except crit and move. I believe the average gold value for every 1% of attack speed is somewhere around 100 - 200 gold. So by getting 10% attack speed, that's at around 1000 ish gold worth of stats. And if you never get pushed to turret, or have a really good support, you should in theory miss very little cs. In fact, you can actually improve your cs if two minions get low at the same time, you can more often clear both without using mana. And as scales better into late game, procs more dorans blade in the early game, and is more beneficial on average to clearing camps than flat ad.

In theory.

In practice, the circumstances make it very difficult to pull off flawlessly, and it makes you scary weak in the early game, so supports often capitalize on this by early aggression.

Last htting with lower ad also can cause you to get pushed in, as you have the enemy minions living slightly longer because of having to wait longer to hit them.

However, if you can get past all that, it has the best scaling out of all possible rune setups. Plus if you're really, really good at last hitting, the lack of early ad is negligible.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
K, here's the theory behind it. Since attack speed is the most costly stat to get through items (zeal and zerks and what have you), it makes the most sense to get the most of it that you can as a base, as attack speed items tend to give little to no other bonuses except crit and move. I believe the average gold value for every 1% of attack speed is somewhere around 100 - 200 gold. So by getting 10% attack speed, that's at around 1000 ish gold worth of stats. And if you never get pushed to turret, or have a really good support, you should in theory miss very little cs. In fact, you can actually improve your cs if two minions get low at the same time, you can more often clear both without using mana. And as scales better into late game, procs more dorans blade in the early game, and is more beneficial on average to clearing camps than flat ad.

In theory.

In practice, the circumstances make it very difficult to pull off flawlessly, and it makes you scary weak in the early game, so supports often capitalize on this by early aggression.

Last htting with lower ad also can cause you to get pushed in, as you have the enemy minions living slightly longer because of having to wait longer to hit them.

However, if you can get past all that, it has the best scaling out of all possible rune setups. Plus if you're really, really good at last hitting, the lack of early ad is negligible.

So for a novice like me, you'd stick with the 1 AD to 2 AS quints full AD marks?
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
I'd say go with what makes you comfortable. I like running armor pen and attack speed with only around +5 or so ad because I play pretty aggressively, so the early pen lets me trade better and creates an invisible layer to my actual damage by hiding some of it in pen. The flat ad is there to capitalize on it, but I find doran's blade gives the amount I need for ad to stay strong. I'll usually have around high 60s ad with high .6 to .7 as and 5 flat pen for most adcs at level 1. I've found that to be my comfort zone with adc starting stats.

So really, it's whatever works. I'm experimenting with pages that run more pen and put some of the as on my blues with scaling mr on the remainder to hide more of my damage at the slight expense of some defense from spell harass from supports. And hybrid pen on mf. Or pure armor pen on urgot. And I usually mix 1% crit mark in for a possible instant win with trades.

So ya, whatever works. Just understand why it works.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I'd say go with what makes you comfortable. I like running armor pen and attack speed with only around +5 or so ad because I play pretty aggressively, so the early pen lets me trade better and creates an invisible layer to my actual damage by hiding some of it in pen. The flat ad is there to capitalize on it, but I find doran's blade gives the amount I need for ad to stay strong. I'll usually have around high 60s ad with high .6 to .7 as and 5 flat pen for most adcs at level 1. I've found that to be my comfort zone with adc starting stats.

So really, it's whatever works. I'm experimenting with pages that run more pen and put some of the as on my blues with scaling mr on the remainder to hide more of my damage at the slight expense of some defense from spell harass from supports. And hybrid pen on mf. Or pure armor pen on urgot. And I usually mix 1% crit mark in for a possible instant win with trades.

So ya, whatever works. Just understand why it works.

I'm sort of tempted to go straight full AS simply because I'm BAD at last hitting, and I'd actually rather make last hitting harder on myself, forcing myself to adapt, than making it easier. Like 3 AS quints 9 AS marks
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
The only way you improve last hitting is first getting used to last hitting as early as possible, progressively getting closer to as late as possible to learn how to freeze a lane. The perfect last hit takes place in the frame just before a minion would have finished it off. In theory, that would result in a completely natural lane, which would allow you to freeze a lane indefinitely.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by SparChar View Post
This is why I started jungling with Yi and using Feral Flame for every AA reliant jungler I have.

I just got to series by playing yi 4times.

Feral Flare gonna carry me to platinum.
I have joined your ranks Ryan

I Broke THAT Plateau

Finally. Felt like I was stuck in Silver 3 foevah
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Congratz hax ;o


can somebody please tell me why ranked is so toxic?
I left last season gold 3, after the reset I really debated on doing ranked.
Friend finally got me back into it and I was like, "Okay, I'll just play tryndamere, I went from bronze to gold 5 with just tryndamere.

First preliminary was great, 16/3/8 team was very good, listened and cooperated with strategies/idea's. mia's were great. I jungled, told them to try and hold lane until 6, which they did. I ended up getting a quadra at level 8 due to the fact I was 3 levels higher then everybody with a shit ton of damage. (penta was stolen 4 seconds before I even got the quad).

Next game, complete opposite. Teammates where dumb as rocks. Bot lane lost lane 2 minutes in with 5 deaths on each, I tried helping when I could. But all they kept saying was "Gank us!"
I'd look at there lane, and they're currently at the enemy turret, taking turret damage trying to dive both of them. They'd get ganked by the enemy hecarim, and blame me for not helping when I'm level 3. Not to mention they weren't buying wards if they wanted to push that hard. I finished 4/2/0. I had the only kills on our team, and it was from ganking top/mid, they were having a hard time because they got counter picked.

Next game, ever worse then the second. We won this, but it was complete garbage the entire time.
We all got in the que, I asked for top instead of jungle this game. Everyone agreed said sure. I was second to last pick, our last guy would be the final pick of the game. I locked in tryndamere. Our last guy hasn't said anything all game, but he instalocks jax. We're all thinking great, "Are you going jungle jax?" He doesn't say anything, he doesn't have on smite. We just think he's going smiteless w/e. Get in the game, and he decides to lane with me. I'm like okay, whatever. He trys to make it so I can't last hit. He feeds top.
Then he yells in chat "omg trynd noob". All game he's trolling me so hard, following me around when I try to start jungling since he's being a dick in lane. Steals the jungle from me(or trys too) and my entire team is flaming me for not doing my job when jax is fucking around feeding top. And while they are all complaining, I took every turret top lane, and inhib. I ended up backdooring the nexus around 32 minutes and finished 0/4/6 because I focused on splitpushing.
Jax continues trolling other people, then I'm still blamed by my team for not doing my job, and I got they all said report tryndamere in all chat. And everybody reported me.
I fucking got a warning from riot for "intentionally feeding enemy team". If it happens again within the next month it's a temporary account suspension.

Do you fucking see why I hate ranked so god damn much? I don't even know if I want to continue my preliminaries after this bullshit.
Originally Posted by Hacks View Post
Congratz hax ;o

Wall of text

If your whole team is that toxic you can just mute them and use pings. You will play a lot better if you don't have people complaining all the game.