Hunter relax 8 - 9k

Vog 25 - 30k

full crimson - 40k
full amber - 28k
full old gold - 60k
full titan - 30k
full sphinx - 15k
full olive - 45k
full beetle - 16k
full raptor - 40k

MocroGunz - 12k
Quicksilver primary gradient - 4k
Hunter secondary gradient - 3k

Hot pink pack - 70k

rblrenan - 20k
sorry about this toast
but can you make a list of all the full sets and prices
if you can it will really come in handy
if you can't i dont mind
if you are doing it take your time
No, I will not do that because it will become outdated relatively quickly and I will get pm's and people asking me to update it. On top of that it will kill the prices for each of the full sets.
left leg texture
right leg texture
left arm texture
right arm texture
left hand texture
right hand texture
left foot texture
right foot textue?
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?