Up to low platinum (where i'm at again now) i've played ryze vs rene lots and lots of times and i've never lost. If you're a good ryze (or any other champion that doesnt get completely shat on naturally) you can dominate renekton consistantly in lane. IMO, an equal skilled ryze vs rene SHOULD go in ryze's favour without the consideration of jungler ganks.

Okay I finally broke the S2 barrier and got to S1. Congratulate me and shit.

Also, screw everyone who says that twitch and lucian are the only good adcs now.
Carrying games with vayne since 1996.
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
So what are your guyses most memorible moments? I had a point where I was playing top and mid was running over to fight me, so I though I'd just take out the opposing jax. Killed him, turned on the riven and killed her. I was happy with myself.

I was playing trynd a while ago, and I was super fed, and I decided to push mid lane. We had an afk but it didn't really matter because fed tryn don't care if the adc is nonexisting.

Anyways, I started going mid because our mid janna stayed in the fountain for minutes on end and basically did nothing of note(although she was great for disengaging when jarvan tried to go in), anyways, I get on the outer turret, and ahri tried to defend it, so I dodge her charm, 2 shot her, avoid the turret aggro, and I get the outer mid turret down. I keep going and i'm at halfway through the inner when ahri/corki/sona pay me a visit. Ahri ults in, Corki valkyries towards me, and sona flash ults and misses. I 2 shot sona, spin onto corki, 3-4 shot him(crit my spin back) and spin onto ahri after she uses the third part of her ult and kill her. I take the turret down and sustain back up, and push onto the inhibitor turret. I'm getting a bit scared at this point. Our zyra is afkfarming bot, and our jungle nasus is getting stacks from jungle creeps(lol), so i'm pretty much doing this solo. I've got the inhibitor turret down to 1/3rd and jarvan comes from behind me and cataclysms, and I spin out of it(towards the turret), and take it down.

I think i'm fucked at this point as they all respawned about 5 seconds before this point. Corki hasn't learned, fortunately for me, and he valkyries in and I instantly blow him up as jarvan misses his q->e. I get hit by ahri's charm mid spin, so I basically spin away and then start walking to her(her Q misses because of this), and sona enters the fray. Jarvan slows me with his shield but I crit him and re-spin onto sona and 2 shot her as she crescendos in the wrong direction. Ahri spiritrushes towards me and again I 2-shot her. I'm basically ignoring Jarvan at this point because he's missed literally everything. I'm halfway done taking the inhibitor down when he finally lands his Q->E combo(unfortunately for him), so I kill him in seconds because I had like 7k gold more than anyone. I finish the inhibitor(mind you I haven't even used my ult at this point.)

I take one of the nexus turrets and i'm halfway through with the other by the time Corki is up, who valkyries towards me again and again dies a painful death. I finish taking it before sona respawns, and she rushes out to stop me at the nexus and finally lands a crescendo. Janna and Zyra have finally realized that i'm on the nexus. Nasus has started pushing bot and is on the inhibitor turret, with Renekton trying desperately to stop him. Anyways, Ahri spawns and lands a charm but janna ults her back into the fountain, and I spin away. Ahri demolishes janna who's like level 7 vs. a level 12 ahri(i'm level 17 at this point), and zyra goes to help nasus, so I just say fuck it and start hacking away at the nexus. Ahri charms me again and lands her full combo and damn near kills me, so I ult and win the game. Tryn is a ridiculous pubstomper.
Is wukong any good? I'm thinking of buying him, but then again I'm trying to save up 9k IP to buy runes when I'm level 20.
[03:39] <idabosswiz> can't you just set up a pass for ddos?
Originally Posted by Albus View Post
Is wukong any good? I'm thinking of buying him, but then again I'm trying to save up 9k IP to buy runes when I'm level 20.

Yes. Wukong is very good, and better at lower ELO.

People in low ELO tend to have more lag N poor initiation. One good easy wukong or amumu ult can be the little synergy your team needs to decimate the team.

Also grats Kristis
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Oh lawldy


Apparently I need hit R more.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
My most memorable moments would be:

Getting a quadra kill with hecarim with about 30 health left and safely escaping from the last champ standing on the enemy team.

winning a 2v1 against teemo and fizz, I know that they are not invincible or unstoppable but it's just always been a dream to be able to stomp both of them in one engagement.

Melting every team ainiva, she's cc in a bottle.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos