Originally Posted by joonveen View Post
My new head flame along with new texture :3

[invade] I have no clue why but that first pic looks awesome and the second not so much. I might wanna buy dat [/invade]
At first I thought I saw the Adidas logo ;)
I like it, its something different than all the color inside/black outline stuff :B
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
time to start work on 512ing my textures again...
saved over the rework of my head... super bleak...
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
I found it an advantage to job in 512x512 because I think more people are buying 512 than 256 because the people that can afford 256 can usually afford 512 as well, making it more profitable.

Easier to fit some details in it also :3
well, that depends on how much we've had to drink on the day.
try applying and we'll let you know
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-