Original Post
Toribash 3.3 (Codename: MrPoptart)
Fellow bashers,
Toribash 3.3 Codename: Me! =D

Download version 3.32 for Windows
Download version 3.31 for Mac
Linux is in the making.

for new servers, open servers.txt and paste these:

New modding options:
•density (for joints and body parts)
•force, bounce, friction (for environment objects)
- bounce {0 .. 1} how bouncy the object will be
- friction {0 ..} friction parameter for object
•dm_threshold (for joints) . if set, overrides any threshold set in the gamerules
•joints between environment objects (see punchbag.tbm . also try simplecar.tbm)
•visible (for environment objects and environment object joints) - can make invisible (phantom) objects
•thrust ( for bodies and environment objects ) applies a force every X frames
e.g. thrust 1 0 0 3 , applies every single frame the force 0 0 3 to the object (or body)

•mouse-server players list functions: (sdk: bout_mouse_callbacks.lua, spec_mouse_callbacks.lua)

Other game features:
•New login screen + quick registration
•New look for ingame ToriShop
•Depth of field (won't work on all cards) : /dof 1
•Anaglyphic rendering (won't work on all cards) : /an 1
•The tutorial is more straightforward
•Game Rules: added gravity, added sumo, mod is clickable
•Descriptions for the settings in the Options and Game Rules sub-menus
•/exportrules ( /er )- exports the current game rules to a file. e.g. /er test.tbm
•Downloads the player textures first (If you chose 'remember me' on login)
•Added DQ flag: when set to 1 - immediate DQ outside dojo (even if timeout is set)
•Classic mod on startup ; Loading a mod resets all game rules to default (unless specified in the mod)
•Classic mod is first on mods list
•Start with -autoupdate 0 to disable autoupdate
•Added sumo to gamerules menu
•/help now shows a list of the more common commands (different for single / multi player) ; /fullhelp lists all
•Larger main menu font
•Clicking on a player while spectating, will toggle his ghost.

•Black hole in sky (shaders)
•Mouse jump on right click
•Crash on replays with huge number of changes
•leg texture bug
•gamerules ; watching older replays
•chat bug
•some ghost bugs

I'd like to thank hampa for allowing this madness to happen, and Stilf for putting up with me every step of the way! Thanks! =D

Have fun fellow modders!
Last edited by MrPoptart; Jun 25, 2008 at 08:17 AM. Reason: 3.32