Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Well, I also have a lot of experiences with stupid people. I'm not sure if I want to share any of those with you, but I'll try and see if there was a slightly less personal one. Tomorrow that is.
Clan Blood Leader
Originally Posted by Tonakai View Post
I would play RuneScape if the shit community would begone.

And yes, he does have a bad taste in games for a gamer... He calls himself a gamer, yet the first and the last thing he criticizes in game is graphics.

I prove it by showing him games like Cave Story, Iji and Spelunky.
And the respond was "no one will fucking ever play games with such shitty graphics", maybe with not swears but eh.

Before us breaking from eachother, there was an other friend... He was smart, he had a life, he was athletic and he had general knowledge. Only minus I can find is that he was pretty selfish, but he showed it by the funny way.

Okay, well, this story begins the same way as the previous one - We spent a lot of time together, had fun etc.
It continued like that for like 5 years.
At the beginning of our friendship he was pretty fat and spend a lot of his time on reading books and playing games on computer, but eventually he realized that he should be more athletic... And the huge workout begun.
It didn't affect me, I still spent my life the normal way - being on computer and being thin. Lol.
And soon after that, we both moved to the same junior high school... New students, new teachers.
He befriended many other students fast, and he was liked by the teachers.
I was still pretty neutral with everyone.

Well... If someone's reading this, he/she might be wondering what happened with us... Everything seemed to be pretty good.

Yeah, the truth is, even I don't know what happened... To him.
Around halfway of the ninth grade, he invited an other person to be with us. He was another one of those who spend most of their time on computer... But he wasn't like me, he was more like a "hardcore computer user", spent his time on 4chan /b/ and trolling. But he knew many programming languages, and he was occasionally fun to talk with.

Anyways... Near the end of the ninth grade, we were about to go for a school trip.
Yaay. Fun.

When the whole class went in the bus, and the bus drove away from the school, I was sleepy... So I decided to put on my MP3 player and listen to it.
Sometimes I looked around and saw that my friend and the other one was talking.
After a while, I don't know how long it had been after we left, my friend next to me shove me, and I took off the... I don't know the English word for it, but the smaller versions of headphones that go inside your ear.
Anyways, my friend said "talk more", loud and clear. Well, okay, maybe I should.
The other friend started off by insulting me. Well, I was often insulted by my friend, so I took it as a joke.
But you know, 20 minutes of listening them both saying insults of me and telling a few of them to others and laughing so loud at them that others were like "what the hell is happening", it wasn't fun anymore.
I just should've gone back to listen my music peacefully, but then, my friend decided to tell the other friend about some personal stuff what I had told him.
After a while of those, I started raging inside so much that I could barely bear it, but I knew that if I started to scream to them to stop, they would just make more fun of me.
They made fun of my hearing problem, they made fun of my mole on my chin, clothes, hair, everything, even my mother, father, brothers, cats... And that stealing friend of mine.
Yes, I trusted him a lot, so I had told him about some secrets of mine.
And now he was telling them out loud to my other friend. Plus, he had a loud voice, so I wouldn't be surprised if someone else heard about them, too, but at least nobody notified about it.

And that was just the beginning.

When we arrived in our destination, an island, the whole class was divided in to rooms.
We were able to choose with who we wanted to be earlier.
...You might've guessed that of course those two "friends" of mine, we all were together in one room.

The school trip lasted three days.
Three days of insulting in an island, and we all three had to be in the same room.

I barely even talked to them after my "friend" revealed some personal stuff about me in the bus. And, of course, that was one of the thousands and even more thousands of subjects what they invented about me.
Also, they noticed my rage, and that was one subject, too.

Luckily, in the last day of our school trip, they were outside with the others, doing what I wasn't seeing. I just lied in my room doing nothing, and whenever they came in our room, I left for a walk.

And then, we left from the island.
Same boat, same bus...
Same seats.

After the insulting hell, there was four days of vacation... Of course I blocked them in MSN, and the hacker one didn't make new accounts to MSN to insult me more.
And after that vacation, there was one week of school... That time I spent with a few other friends of mine.
And whenever they had the chance, they insulted me from afar. If I responded them, they responded with "did he really say something!?".

Immediately after the school ended, we had the "leaving party" or whatever it's called in school, I walked fast, almost ran away from the school.

Great way to end the comprehensive school, eh?

After the ninth grade had ended, we haven't been on contact... We haven't seen each other.

But the other friend, we are in the same school, same class.
He isn't acting anyway like he used to, probably because the other one isn't here...

Thank god my convincing for him to come to this school failed.

EDIT: Don't worry, after this I don't have anymore these kind of friendship-gone-wrong stories... There has happened something more interesting with my friendship besides these, but those usually ended up with me and the friend just laughing about the situation.

Aww,No more of those type of storys?I liked them.

Also,the english for the word you didn't know was Earphones.
Once again, Tona, that's another story with quite a bit of emotion behind it. In all honesty, what happened sucked.
And that reminds of a story that I can divulge.
First; About a month ago, I was pretty good friends with a girl in my grade, whom I met the previous year. I never really found her appealing, nor did I feel attracted to her in any way. Unfortunately, she ended up becoming attracted to me. I'd known for months, but I didn't bring it up at all, so as not to create an awkward situation.
Toward the end of the last year, a close friend of mine, and I ended up going out. We've been together for about seven months now, and the whole time, my friend, (I'll call her Jane) decided that she didn't like my girlfriend. Apparently out of jealousy, Jane began to insult my girlfriend quite a bit-- well, she'd been doing it behind my back up until now. She called my girlfriend 'weird', because she went to anime conventions, and cosplayed... But Jane loved Star Trek, and frequented Star Trek conventions as if that wasn't weird at all. On top of that, Jane crushed on a teacher, and a new guy every week.
I'd always fight with Jane any time she'd try to insult my girlfriend, and I knew she was probably fed up with that.
Moving along, though. Jane looked for any way to lash at me, and it was getting on my nerves.
One unfortunate day, I made a slip up-- more like a complete and total lie, but I wasn't about to let someone I didn't quite trust know-- and said something false about my girlfriend. I told them that she lived close by, when in reality she actually doesn't live quite as close as I claimed. Most people in my school don't understand that kind of thing anyway. That same day, I was sitting down at lunch with Jane, and a few friends of mine. All of whom had believed my lie.
While eating, I was called over to another table to help a friend out with his math homework. Now, I'm not the best at math, but I decided I'd give it a shot. So I spent about ten minutes over at the table thinking nothing was wrong... But I came back to a whole table of stares, and a very smug looking Jane. I asked around, and nobody would say a word about what was wrong, but Jane kept saying "I don't like lairs."
It took me a short while to realize it, but when I did I was furious. I didn't find much out until later, but Jane had revealed quite a bit about my girlfriend and I in that ten minute time I was away. What's more, she was the one who brought up the subject! She asked around the table to see what everyone knew about my girlfriend, then dispelled facts, and rumors about me. She never even glanced at me once when I got back; not until I stood up and called her a "Nosy bitch, that can't mind her own fucking business."
Now I normally don't curse, or insult people like that. It takes a lot to anger me just as well. So hearing that, she looked up, shocked. I tossed the chair I had just been in to the side, and stormed off.
I'd have been fine if she hadn't brought it up later, too. But what do you know? She decided to post something obviously directed at me on her facebook status. A few friends alerted me to that, and I quickly wrote a monumental comment that seemed much more like a novel, than a comment, about how she was spewing her problems to the world to get attention. We got into an argument about just how shallow she was being, and when I was through with it, she couldn't even reply with anything other than "We're not friends anymore." I laughed, having just embarrassed her all over her face book wall. You know, revenge is a sweet thing sometimes.
I really admire how much emotion and honesty is put behind all your stories Tonakai. I also love you writing style, I was not bored at all for even a second reading them.

Also, I'm beginning to rage at some people posting stories about how you beat the shit out of people and how you say your so tough. I'm very likely going to start deleting those. Nobody wants to hear about it, because I can almost guarantee it never happened and never will come close to happening to you. So cut it out.
Back in my day...
The General population of people in my school are dumb for little reason and big reasons. They maybe be smart, but you are still dumb in different ways such as the things they talk about and ow they talk like swearing every sentence slowly doddling in front of you making you late for class, people in huge circles in front of your locker spreading out to the middle of the hall. People standing still in the middle of the most infested halls. And fights break out here all the time though they are entertaining. I'm not going to mention the bigger reasons to many of them. I'm also a misanthropist which contributes a lot to the dislike of people I prefer animals something that doesn't talk a lot.
I dislike people stand in the middle of the road holding their bikes looking "failed" gangster, and then when you walk past do a backward kick into your shoulder, then when you ask why they do such a thing, lock up their bike and say "its on now" then grab you by the troat hit you in the face, kick you in the knee, knee you in the stomach and try and kick you in the ballz and last but not least end the total insanity with a headbutt, saying: "I could have gone way harder if i wanted to"

I also dislike people that grab you by the coat hang you above a ditch, pull you back grab your stuff out of your pocket and say "if you ever tell anyone you will be found upside down in a ditch" and "i never want to see you here again ever" ( whilst 30meters away from your home )

Lol i even have a few more, but its pretty obvious what kind of people i dislike :P
"I dissaprove of what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it"
It also sounds as though you have no idea how to defend yourself either. When I walk alone I carry a balisong in my pocket and a 9-inch bowie knife in a sheath on my right hip. L2survive.
I am neither Oyster nor lsl.
Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post
Anyways, I hate vocally and physically obnoxious people. Like the guy that screams "WOOO!!!1!" at every opportunity.

I have a feeling you would dislike me.
bring back wibbles
There was this one kid in my 2nd grade class who was stupid then stupid. D- on all test and it wasn't a regular week if he wasn't sent to the principle office at least ounce.Its no surprise he wouldnt make it anywhere in life.So he decided to cuse the teacher out at the last day of school,He was "suppose" to get home schooled the next year.So the last day of school came and what did he do, cuse the teacher out with F words B words and other words I've never herd of (then teehee).The teacher sat there in her chair shocked,after he was done he ran out of the classroom.But, to find out it wasn't the last day of school,and to top it of he failed and wasn't home schooled.He was put in the same class as the teacher he cuse out the year before.
I destroy!
So one day, i was talking to my friend about green day. He was like "i like their original stuff, like american idiot better", and then wouldn't believe me when i said that that wasn't their first album.