Originally Posted by bgs99c View Post
IGN: bgs99c
Age: 17
Belt: 2nd dan black belt
Favorite Mod: judo, joustingfixed, twinswords
Best Mod: judo
Skype: [email protected](it's microsoft account)
where you’re from: Russia, Togliatty, small and beautiful town...
tell us something about yourself: well, my name is Bogdan, I'm beginner programmer and, obviously, I love games. I'm studying fine at school so I always have a lot of free time to improve any of my skill. I like to joke or even troll, but kindly
Why you want to join this clan: I know few guys from your clan, cool ones. They know some nice moves that I don't know and I hope to fix that with your help. Of course, I want to get a good company in fights
How can you help the clan: I have a free time to participate in clan wars + I have played in judo mostly so I have good skills in that mod. I'm calm and patient so I won't drop clan's prestige. And, I don't use my TC(cos I like default style and don't like causing low FPS), so I can donate it all(I don't have a lot now because I gave it to many good people)

P.S. I hope you have a free place for judo player now
I have unexpected problems that will cause me to go afk from tomorrow till mid of august. Anyway, I wish u good summer, guys and ladies!

i would inv you buuut we dont have room for judo players srry...
Originally Posted by blooooppp View Post
Belt: Black belt
Favorite Mod: boxmushu lenshu twin swords aikido acrojousting and does pendulum count?
Best Mod: twin swords
Skype: [email protected] i know really bad email
where you’re from:miami usa florida
tell us something about yourself: i started playing toribash june 26th 2015 i havent played for a few months but im back in action
Why you want to join this clan: to become a better player and be a part of a team
How can you help the clan: recruitment and possibly other roles to help the clan

i hope i did my app right im sorry that it wasnt in paragraphs sorry for any typos and i hope ill be fighting along u all

ur already in a clan ._. REJECTED!
Last edited by nekokat; Jul 31, 2016 at 01:33 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
IGN: madfists

Age: 14 (15 this october )

Belt: Black

Favorite Mod: mushu, wushu, aikido, judo, all soccer mods.

Best Mod: mushu

Skype: I have skype, but i don't have the strong internet to use it without problems...
where you’re from: Indonesia

tell us something about yourself: I have been playing since 2014, and was inactive for the whole 2015, due to schoolwork becoming much more challenging. i have returned in 2016, with high hopes and the will to become the best in toribash (although i'm still rusty...). I can sing pretty well, i can play 2 instruments (guitar and drum), and is in high school. I am an absolute pro in science, but i stink in mathematics lel.

Why you want to join this clan: I would like to join this clan, because i see this as an opportunity to get along with many other black belts and numbered dans in the game, as well as a place for me to sharpen my toribash decap skills again.

How can you help the clan: I can help the clan by making sure I DO NOT flame anyone, i DO NOT make fun of anyone, can give some tips to newer members, become a practice buddy for anyone in this clan, and try to help this clan achieve all of its goals.

My ToriCard:
Last edited by madfists; Aug 4, 2016 at 03:33 AM.
Belt: 10 dan Blackbelt
Favorite Mod: Judo,ABD,spar,Boxshu
Best Mod: Judo;-;
Skype: lbbtvgamer-.-
where you’re from:
tell us something about yourself:im a boy!
Why you want to join this clan:idk ;-;
How can you help the clan: i can. . . . Dance for you guys
Belt: Black belt
Favorite Mod:greykido aikido_bigdojo runkido parkourdreamfixed
Best Mod:aikido
Skype:[B.Z.K]_Officiel (i'will not skype with u because read under)
where you’re from:France
tell us something about yourself:i am competitive i am loyal to my buddies i am really nice ^_^
Why you want to join this clan:I want to join this clan because i love it and know that will be the best clan
How can you help the clan:I will help the clan because i'm pretty good on all kido mods and i m very good on aikido i m practicing to be one of the best parkourers and i really want to parkour and spar with your clan
I really wish to join your clan please accept me, love u ^_^
Hey Powpow

My name is Abdulrahman.I am 19 years old.I am From Egypt.I suck in English.My Best Mods Abd,Judo.Boxshu.I have Skype darknesslortb.I like to make an app to powpow cause its a good clan good members.I know a lot of members like Soft Best Kadaro and my brother.My GMT +2.I can be tested by Best abd members in Powpow.My lap was broken So I was inactive.But now I am active.I can help clan to be ranked up and Help members.I am not loyal lazy or even mad but we can say kadaro says I am mad Girls Says I am cute I say I am nothing.I like to be with Software123.I know fang and drum too.My informations Mmmm...I am Boy.go to my Swimming train every week 4 times.I know I am old member of Powpow But I left cause some reasons.I am 3rd Black belt.Like you see dude.I wish this app be accepted to you members of Powpow.I am From Akido Team Now.

Thanks for reading this app

I wish to be accepted to you

Thanks for Wasting your time to read the app.
Last edited by Darknesslor; Aug 10, 2016 at 09:30 AM.
Age:11 ( I know about porn and stuff already -_- so don't treat me differently )
Belt:2nd dan
Fav Mods:Boxshu mushu,judo,Akido,ABD
Best Mod:ummm akido guess
Skype:ZI NamE IZ
About me:i play different games im bi ummmm......that's all
Why I want To Join:i want to join because I Know ppl in this clan and ive always wanted to be in a popular clan
How Can I help: I can help by
No.1 Getting us a clan video
No.2 All Kinds Of replays
No.3 Im always active
No.4 Im Lucky
No.5 im good in clan wars
No.6 I Can Comfort ppl
No.7 (last One ) im kinda always well thinking of new things for us to try like I have a friend than create photo edits and she is learning how to play tb her name is Opeia Me and Her Both have youtube channel ( sorry no link )
P.S What do you call a box of ducks.......quackers
heyyo powpow
tbh i say yes to hupa hes pretty good
Last edited by Twin; Aug 10, 2016 at 04:14 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
fuck 12, free all my shootaz
Originally Posted by GabeElite View Post
heyyo powpow
tbh i say yes to hupa hes pretty good

All of us must wait the co leader of powpow Nekokat
Originally Posted by yaniskill View Post
Hello guys

Hey yanis ^ ^
Last edited by Darknesslor; Aug 10, 2016 at 09:08 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump