Original Post
Free Texture
Yo dawgs, with my million I don't need it all! So I'm gonna give two or special player a head texture :o. All you need to do is thisss....

Your Name:
Join Date:
Current tc:
Why YOU deserve it:
Any and all troll entries will result in a B&

Any and all money I make that hits me over a million tc will go to this donations appricated!


Rutzor- 40k
Bendover- 50k

Last edited by ravenger; Mar 8, 2009 at 07:42 PM.
Your Name: UltimaKH1
Join Date: 1-13-09
Activity: Obsessed with no life level on forums and game.
Current TC: 2801.50
Why YOU deserve it: I believe i deserve it because i am EXTREMELY helpful ingame, I have helped rebuild a clan for a temporary time, I help others whenever possible, i may not be the smartest toribasher in terms of texture making or advanced skills like that but i know enough to help most toribashians, i have been saving for a head texture for quite a while and have pretty much obsessed about having one, i frequently go on different forums from the game to clan discussion to see where people ned help here and there and in some cases i give tc, also i have received coleader in a clan, and I actually even stopped an emo person from quitting toribash, sulking and cutting themself! (i told him not to because ppl need that blood and he told me he mails it to hospitals in......milk bottles :S hopefully he was kidding about the cutting himself and milk bottle thing) also the emo person's name is coreyp008 ask him if you want he knows me since i pretty much.....saved him :S
Wannabe Furry, Proud Co-Leader of Marine Force Recon, I'mma be gone for a while guys :(
Your Name:ipin20
Join Date:3-1-2009
Activity: cycling
Current tc: 200
Why YOU deserve it: i think becouse im so poor and please, i need the tc..or the head
Your Name: Cjbro
Join Date: 01-20-2009
Activity: I try to go on forums/ toribash as much as possible. (alltho i only started on the forums a week or 2 ago)
Current tc: 120 tc (its low because i just bought acid primary grad.)
Qi: 251
Why YOU deserve it: because when i was a yellow belt i joined a player made server and beat a black belt by fluke + it would make my guy look even sexier (i dont even know if thats possible)
Your Name:Kristis112
Join Date:2008
Activity:Im very active in game..
Current tc:0
Why YOU deserve it:Just im very friendly...Im helping to people in game...(Example:I have some good openers so when i play in intermediate server players almost always lose vs me...I say to them what they should click and how to make good moves...)..Im very poor..I dont have any items in my inventory...
Thank you for this little event revenger...
Im happy that here is some good guys...And they helping for newbies... =)

Im really sorry for bad english... =(

Thank you again,
Last edited by kristis112; Apr 9, 2009 at 12:14 PM.
Your Name: Scratch73
Join Date: august 2008
Activity: allways as possible
Current tc: 0 >.<
Qi: (Votre QI) 2078
Why YOU deserve it: I think I deserve it because I feel a little rejected by those who have it, also, I cannot participate has certain events of the forum. It annoys me a lot thus it is for that that I ask for your assistant.
Your Name:SQUASHable
Join Date:June 2008
Activity:Checking out the Forums and Stuff.
Current TC:5165.00
Why you deserve it:Normally im often let down and lose alot, but I try to sell things and save up for some textures i've been waiting for several days, so I opened a YouShop and nothing is really happening over there. So I was wondering if i could get some TC from your genorosity.
Thank You
Your Name:shad3r
Join Date:11-08-2008
Current tc:155.50
Why YOU deserve it:Im friendly guy but not every :P I'd like funnny guys but im not gey lol.
Your Name: drgisbest1
Join Date: under my avvy
Activity: whenever i can
Current tc: 1300
Qi: 520 something
Why YOU deserve it: I make head textures for the community and i help people out, tell them how do do stuff like tactics and how to make things on gimp.also being brown belt everyone thinks im a n00b being brown but not having one plus when people buy my textures there all happy however without something to equip it ill never feel that happieness
i vote drg! he is nice and he does make awesome textures for people, bt its said that he doesnt have one for himself lol... so yea VOTE DRG