Originally Posted by IceShadow View Post

Tori is actually riding on a horse that moves quite like the toridog enviroment object. Tori also has a long spear in which he can stab uke after riding a long distance.

I calculated 14 environment objects for this mod.

1. head of horse
2.neck of horse
3.body of horse
4.left front leg
5.right front leg
6.back left leg
7.back right leg
8.front left foot (spinning forward to move the horse)
9.front right foot (spinning forward to move the horse)
10.back left foot (spinning forward to move the horse)
11.back right foot (spinning forward to move the horse)
12. Javalin handle (for holding)
13. Javalin head (instagib for stabbing uke)
14. Podium for uke to stand on ready to be squered.

You would also need to mod tori to a better starting position on the horse.
Good Luck!

I'm soooo on it , but give me some time. I was actually thinking about doing something like this.
Originally Posted by dengue View Post
I want to make this too
lets make it toghether

How? Also I'm doing it in notepad so it make take a while + I'm lazy + somebody other can do it + I'm lazy.
i need help in making a wrestling mod ....... im not sure how to start it but basically it needs a larger ring and double damage on slams or something to that affect
[REQ] Motor Ski
so cud anyone make a mod with a motor ski?

Like the motor ski is going down a ramp and crashes into (uke,wall, etc.)

make the ramp with friction so it slides =P
This should fo to the suggest treath ta know...also sound kinda funny un
Centuries Of Damn
what about making a tonfa mod where you give tori and uke tonfas For those who don't know what a tonfa is:
I know it's basically just two cylindric objects merged together, but I'm not into modding anymore and I don't know how to make it D:
If you suddenly get :Pwned by a green beast, and you don't know what hit you, you know it's me!
Originally Posted by Kairyuka View Post
what about making a tonfa mod where you give tori and uke tonfas
Don't know what a tonfa is? Look here:
I know it's basically just two cylindric objects merged together, but I'm not into modding anymore and I don't know how to make it D:

There is mod like that somewhere in your client.
what's the name then, I can't find it?
If you suddenly get :Pwned by a green beast, and you don't know what hit you, you know it's me!
Originally Posted by Kairyuka View Post
what's the name then, I can't find it?

Sorry I don't remember, but I played it some time ago for sure.