look at this with your colorpicker. you have 95 % of all the grey is within 1/4 of the greyscale that includes most of the spots that create depth. those are only a 10% difference. you will notice once you try to duplicate how much of a change in value it only is. Then once you trick the eye to seeing the depth you can push it darker or lighter in limited areas to exagerate it a bit.

Originally Posted by 13chillz View Post
looks like 1ntrepid used the same brush i used for my rough-in humanoid stuff. Its just a square brush thats slightly texutured.


you're 1ntrepid tho
I wonder why the metal is so soft. Perhaps that is what it is meant to look like, but every robotic esc art I see has soft edges.

Are people drawing with a low density watercolor?
Also where that discord at veoo
Last edited by Yuma; Nov 15, 2017 at 08:02 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Meh. I think I need to quit toribash for a bit.
13chillz, if you're still checking up on this thread:

do you work in 512x512 templates or 512x1024?

because clockwork8's work looks like it was made in 512x512
Application to Join "Toribash Artists United" Again.
I've already applied once but got rejected due to applying under an alt, So now I'm doing it on my main account.

Show us some of your work:

Alright well, I haven't added much but I have a(n)"Art Thread" that I'll be adding more and more stuff on.

How long have you been making art:

Quite some time now I started "drawing" when I was 12 and I got really good at it. Later on my dad showed how I can implement that knowledge of drawing into digital drawing (he's an engineer so he figures everything online and digital is more efficient) So while I was drawing on there I cam across Toribash and got into the whole texturing thing- So around 5 years I've been drawing.

What kind of artist are you:

Well, I'm more of a "Texture Artist" but I can do other art as well. I haven't gotten into "3D Art" Mainly cause I don't have a good enough pc to run hardly anything.

What program do you use to make art:

The Program I use right now is "GNU Image Manipulation Program" I'm getting into using "Photoshop CS3".

Write a little story so we can get to know you:

Like a personal story? Or just like a short story about myself? Well Whatever.

Hello everyone. My name is Kyle, I'm known as ilikehulk in Toribash. In my spare time I watch anime, Draw, Play games, I even sometimes go outside to take a run. My Life isn't all to "Fantastic", cause just like everyone else I have "problems". I live a decent life in a trailer with my family and animals. My Family is particularly large so there's never a dull moment.

That's all I'll be listing but if you want to know more about me Pm me and ask I will answer your questions so long as it's not too personal.
Last edited by Shinigami; Nov 15, 2017 at 08:20 PM. Reason: Errors in typing.
512 cause the ps macro/code I use to save as tga for in-game preview needed it to be 512. I made a different one for 1028 one time but it left a line in the back due to resizing layers and ps trying to blend the outside edge with an alpha layer. Because tb only previews in 512x512.
Originally Posted by 13chillz View Post
512 cause the ps macro/code I use to save as tga for in-game preview needed it to be 512. I made a different one for 1028 one time but it left a line in the back due to resizing layers and ps trying to blend the outside edge with an alpha layer. Because tb only previews in 512x512.


Im starting to think 512 looks better for robotic art

not sure about realism

Quick question:

would you work on a head texture with the rest of this organization if we used it like GATA and did a thing where we each contribute?

I think we'd all have fun

did a 15 min start... I kinda got the idea I might try to finish it idk
Last edited by Veoo; Nov 16, 2017 at 12:13 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I would hope you would try finish it because it looks like you didn't learn anything about depth yet. Did you even look at it on a sphere. Imo your not tricking the eye yet.
Originally Posted by 13chillz View Post
I would hope you would try finish it because it looks like you didn't learn anything about depth yet. Did you even look at it on a sphere. Imo your not tricking the eye yet.

ok Ill try to finish it man!

what about the GATA thing I mentioned ^

here is it on a sphere:

its like you can't even tell where clockwork8's work begins and mine ends

im just eye balling the mirroring... can't quite get it right... its super off-putting to see on a sphere haha
Last edited by Veoo; Nov 16, 2017 at 02:06 AM.
its not that hard to post a wip and say someone finish. all that might happen is people will say no. just try not to take all the creative freedom out on the first couple wips otherwise people wont work on it cause they don't see anywhere to improve or put in their ideas.