I would like to join your group. I am a 28 year old Art teacher (Elementary to High School) and can't really stand being in a clan full of kids after hanging around them all day. I have abstained from forum usage for this very reason. Thank goodness there is a group for grownups! I am a blackbelt and have had one other account (simplytravis) that I do not use.

I actually would like to know if y'all have any good tutorials for how to skin a character? I have a graphic design/comic art/ fine arts (neo-expressionism is my main style) background and would like to set up my character one day when I have the time.

By the way...I loves me some beer! I am waiting for my first homebrew to finish conditioning right now! My favorite type of beer are usually made by Trappist monks. Nothing is better than a good Tripel.