Artist: Fate
Your request: Head
Size: 128x128
Details: I want it too be exact to the referance picture.
Reference: The bear on the left
Price range: 5k
Other information: Make sure the head is exact to the bear's head on the left. This is an easy request so I'm not paying alot.
Pack (Optional):

fl0w. Logo Designer, PM me.
faint, your head is finished, still awaiting tc.

rawwrr your head is on front page.

Edit: warmedics head is also finished.
Last edited by Fate; Aug 2, 2010 at 12:25 AM.
Artist: Fate
Your request:Head
Details: black hair (long, crazy/swaying with white streaks) blood dripping from mouth expression evil grin/scream/laugh and eyes with crazed look
Reference: none
Price range:12k or under
Other information: just make it hot overall, crazed hot freak? otherwise just use your imagination, make it awesome, price negociable
Pack (Optional): no

that is what you request.
it is what i delivered.
be more specific, that sounds nothing like faints head.
i pictured it with shaky hair Wide open eyes shaking and a crazy grin with some blood drips down his mouth :/