Hey. I'd like to join the Tribe.
I'm just a normal, unremarkable, famous boy-the nerd-oldfag. I'm 17 years old, I play for a total of about 3-5 years. There were enough accounts. I've seen life in all its glory and from all sides.

My first clan was the Dsin, in which I was a member. After, I a turn, in already I created clans(Days, Sky, King van, another not recall), recently I was in already disbanded clan "neko."

I was constantly hunted by everyone until I was completely destroyed.

I'm Good, I do not like to rely on brute force(previously relied), I love Salmon Caviar.

I play at a fairly decent level (5-10th Dan's), in total QI about 25 thousand, the first account - Bossman211, which is almost 18 thousand QI. In early 2018, it was renamed TaydoShin, was banned in early summer.

(I used to have to play better than the clan of 8 people against me, just missing the goal of the game and I stopped playing at this level.)

I live in Moscow, I know 2-3 languages(Russian - Perfect, English - average score, Programming (JASS) almost perfect.)

I play mods: Boxshu, Mushu, Aikido, and, Judo. In mod Boxshu I'm perfect.

I would like to join you. I want to achieve something more than the other clans.
Last edited by RaBo0; Aug 10, 2018 at 09:05 AM.
Raven will not be joining the Tribe at this time.
RaBo0 will not be joining the Tribe at this time.

Kacperunio is still in discussion.
Hello, I'm looking to join Tribe. I joined my first clan "Polar Vortex" (Polar) when I was a blue belt. When I joined this clan it was decently active, with a couple of people here and there to help with clan wars. After some time the clan started becoming less and less active. At the time there was no Discord for our clan to communicate with so everyone just dwindled away and (Polar) became a dead clan. By now I was a black belt, so I thought with my skills in aikido I'll try to join another clan that is actually active. So after my victories in a recruitment server, I was accepted into the clan Chivalry. They were very active at the time with various members and at one time we even became ranked 4th in Toribash. It was great. But soon enough our clan began to stop being active. I am the last person in my clan who has time to play Toribash. Chivalry may seem big on the forums, but in reality, the Discord server shows that there are only 2 people who actually play, me and MrSofty. So when the 2018 Clan League came by we couldn't join because nobody was active. I left that clan in search for another one and I came across this one. I would like to join Tribe because it contains people who are well interested in the game, play it frequently, and help organize events within it to keep activity within the clan fantastic. According to how many people are "online" in your Discord server under the space marked "Members" and how well your clan does in Wars, I think it is safe to assume that your clan "Tribe" is perfect for me. I play Toribash frequently, participate in "Etourneys", and am active on forums. I specialized in the mods Aikido and Boxing, so I could do well in Clan Wars. It would mean a lot to me to be in an active clan that loves this game as much as I do. Please consider me. Thank you.