Originally Posted by Colossus View Post
Hey jewww, stop with that metalcore thing and start a real metal band like a man ;)

Your more then welcome too show me how ;) *Post-Hardcore
Rythm smells like Cheese
Step 1, get rid of the screaming thing. (guttural is an exception)
Step 2, put a good lyrics, dragons, genocide, anything.
Step 3, get rid of the common-metalcore-rythim (they all look almost the same)
Step 4, grow a beard.


also, don't take this too seriously :P
Last edited by Immotay; Jan 29, 2014 at 08:27 PM.
Originally Posted by Jewww View Post
Yeah good mate just relaxing like a cool kiddy Yourself mate?

Good to see you round ViperTech how are you anyway? & TeamSpeak is lovely compared to Skype

Busy as shit. Actually checking a shitload of scripts of 3ds Max 2011 for compatibily to 3ds Max 2014 due to upcoming switch to that version.
Plus gf wants also some time with me, kids etc

Anyway, still addicted and always there, ingame or forum wise heh
Check my Soundcloud ;)
Originally Posted by ViperTech View Post
Busy as shit. Actually checking a shitload of scripts of 3ds Max 2011 for compatibily to 3ds Max 2014 due to upcoming switch to that version.
Plus gf wants also some time with me, kids etc

Anyway, still addicted and always there, ingame or forum wise heh

Glad too see you are still around :3
Rythm smells like Cheese