Dartz: Gundam left before the system was changed. I think Paid left too thought I'm not sure about him. As for Dave and Kely, probably inactivity.
Originally Posted by Dyrisk View Post
Dartz: Gundam left before the system was changed. I think Paid left too thought I'm not sure about him. As for Dave and Kely, probably inactivity.

@koco: there tags are on the member list then...
@risk: but didnt paid said he had computer problems... eh idk.
Last edited by DartzPie; Aug 29, 2012 at 08:23 PM.
"You're not welcome in Gamindustri."
Originally Posted by DartzPie View Post

@koco: there tags are on the member list then...
@risk: but didnt paid said he had computer problems... eh idk.

Paid had computer problems, but then said they were fixed. He never became more active again though. As I said, I'm not sure what's going on with him.

Also, it seems all clans have the [ ] instead of ( ) in-game. Don't get too excited, though. We still aren't official. It seems to be just a temporary fix for the texture glitch.
Originally Posted by DartzPie View Post
@koco:umm we still need to invite a couple people back to zone. Like Gundampools,paidtokill,and daveslayer and kely... unless they been kicked already for inactivity...

Originally Posted by DartzPie View Post

@koco: there tags are on the member list then...
@risk: but didnt paid said he had computer problems... eh idk.

They are not active enough. If they wee they would have posted a complaint along the line of "why am I not in the clan?" I'll remove usertags.
When you get a chance, Koco, add BleachMe, Quilt, Angelic07, Plazma98, thecbeast, luckymoney, Flamezzzzz, and jordan273 too the list. Since Diaghre and Fletch haven't responded yet, you can delete them for now. If you need the usercards, just ask me~
Damn, I miss you guys. I made a lot of memories here. Sup? - Nin0fShin 2018
<[Twist]Nijia> Nin doesnt cry, he makes other people cry for him!
Everybody on that list already has tags.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Holy shit guys, its been about a year since this clan hase been made right i thought you would be official after a month or so because the clan was realy good at start. Well seems you guys still arnt official. Soon though im guessing, good luck.
Last edited by shrimp24; Aug 29, 2012 at 11:19 PM.
We are getting there. xD There is no need for the invasion tag anymore. :P
Btw, Zone, Koco just needs to send in the application again and we'll be added to the discussed list. :P
Damn, I miss you guys. I made a lot of memories here. Sup? - Nin0fShin 2018
<[Twist]Nijia> Nin doesnt cry, he makes other people cry for him!
Bye Zone.
"Gundam's Pool Service" now available for any and all in need of pool cleaning. Pringles are the preferred payment method. Since 2012!
Luckymoneys with you guys now? That's pleasant news, he's a good clan mate. And more immorally koco i was wondering no one had made you laugh for that 1000tc yet? If not you must be an aegis to all things comical.
Present to me the most beautiful woman, and I shall reward you with chronos