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[VID]Urban Clan Video Event (500k+ TC Prize Pool)

Hi there guys, we here at UrbanUnit are at that point again where we need a clan video to showcase out replays.
Single player, Multiplayer, maybe the odd realism thrown in there?
Either way, we want YOU to make it!
This once in a life time opportunity for you to make our clan video is something you video makers don't want to miss!

We all want to be in it, no-one gets left out, even the inactive guys get in, capiche?
We want you to use one of these 3 songs, you can choose whichever one you like:

It must be at least 1 minute, we don't want any 30 second edits.
They're all nice but not what we're after.
(Cool intros for each player are a bonus, our egos need a good ol' fashioned inflating)

1st. 350k
2nd. 125k
Bonus for someone who we think did an awesome job but wasn't quite what we were after: 25k

Alright, here we have a zip file with every replay we want in the video.
You must include a decent amount of replays from every member, edit them however you like, but we want it to be AWESOME.

The whole of Urban will judge your videos, feel free to upload them to your Youtube channel and give us wips.
As this is essentially for us we can give you tips on where we'd like the video to go if you post wips.

Russian translation:


Brazillian translation:

Alguem br?

Huge thanks to Tarlan, Colossus and Mimic for the translations!

Deadline: Delayed until more videos are finished!
Last edited by leilak; Feb 15, 2013 at 08:08 PM.
Wow, nice idea, good job mocu and powas, good luck
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

Risk did this to me and I hate him forever, please join the official "Fuck Risk in the Ass With a Live Bat" social group to join me in hating Risk:
Click here to join my cult to fuck Risk in the ass with a live bat
Thank you And good luck with chosing first places (everything went as expected anyway x) )
~RIP [Vector], Shikkumo's butthole
Replays, Videos
Wow. I'm stunned, thanks so much. I wish the best of luck to Mocu and Powas.
I make videos, personal vids are 1K TC. clan vids are 5K+ TC. PM me if Interested. NOW TAKING REQUESTS.
I am sorry but I can't edit the video. I haven't the time for that and your deadline is too short. I am changing house, new job too, etc.

At least, I could add some effects more to break the repetition, but it's simply impossible for me to add Elate. I think you can't imagine how many work that will ask to me. I already have modified all the music to extend it at around 180%. Or I erase the spar at the end and all that shit, then I introduce Elate and put some replays. Fast and lame.

We had a deal, you change it now. I can't follow it.

I can understand you can't chose between two videos, but honestly, I can't pay for that. I gave my best in it.

If, really, it is that hard for you to select only one video, and if Powas agree, I am ok to share the price.

You have some options now ;)

My Youtube channel : Mocucha Toribash

Originally Posted by Mocucha View Post
I am sorry but I can't edit the video. I haven't the time for that and your deadline is too short. I am changing house, new job too, etc.

At least, I could add some effects more to break the repetition, but it's simply impossible for me to add Elate. I think you can't imagine how many work that will ask to me. I already have modified all the music to extend it at around 180%. Or I erase the spar at the end and all that shit, then I introduce Elate and put some replays. Fast and lame.

We had a deal, you change it now. I can't follow it.

I can understand you can't chose between two videos, but honestly, I can't pay for that. I gave my best in it.

If, really, it is that hard for you to select only one video, and if Powas agree, I am ok to share the price.

You have some options now ;)

Sounds good enough.
Unfortunately, I can't edit mine either - erth knows the reason if you're interested, urbanguys.
Even If I could edit it, I wouldn't. Once video is done, it's done, editing in another member or adding replays is not an option, unless you have very open ending, which I don't.
I had an idea to create a short bonus clip with elate and previously not used replays, but as I can't really use PC now, it won't happen.
If you just don't have the time for it it's completely fine. After talking about your entries once again with my fellow mates we have come to a clonclusion:

1st Place - Mocucha

2nd Place - Powas

As you might have noticed, it wasn't an easy decision for us at all, but overall we think Mocu made a better presentation for our clan and its members.

Congratulations to both of you.

Sending prizes asap.

Edit: sent
Last edited by leilak; Apr 17, 2013 at 11:18 PM.