New Recruits for this week
Recruited By |Date Recruited | New Recruits
Ronron999 | 5/20/16 | JT2002
Ronron999 | 5/18/16 | Sizzlepop1
Ronron999 | 5/19/16 | Eakwing
Ronron999 | 5/13/16 | 7moOoDyGamer
Ronron999 | 5/15/16 | Deathin99
Ronron999 | 5/17/16 | TrizzyTan
DatBootyDo | 5/18/16 | Darkshot1
A wise man is not always a kind man.
Weekend Event Winners :

1. Toruney Judo frac. Winner deathin99 2,500 TC
2. Tourney ABD. Winner darkshot1 2,500 TC
3. Tourney Mushu. Winner Bone 2,500 TC

Big Prize Event Winners :

1st place Skylord30 10.000 TC
2nd place deathin99 5.000 TC
todays PURGE DATE: May 23, 2016


Moved to Lost/Missing : from Rank =|||=



Moved to Rank =|||= : from Trial Members

!!! Notice !!!
Obediant : get more active in-game & Forum until next Purge day or youll be kicked !!!
Hans : get more active in-game until next Purge day or youll lose your Rank !!!
1002003 : get more active in-game until next Purge day or youll lose your Rank !!!
Obediant, Hans & 1002003 : Inactivity Notice missing !!!
Originally Posted by Bikeguy2000 View Post
Thank you so much for allowing me into the clan!

hey Bikeguy2000,

Welcome to JackAzz-CLAN

PS: you can join our Clan Skype-Chat to meet other Clan Members ^^
The average human body contains enough human bones to make up an entire human skeleton... loll wut? xD
Weekly Recruit Updates
Recruited By | Date Recruited | New Recruits
Ronron999 | 5/23/16 | CookiezMC
DatBootyDo | 5/24/16 | DziadekGun
Ronron999 | 5/26/16 | Bikeguy2000
Ronron999 | 5/26/16 | Reactbanta
Ronron999 | 5/27/16 | Raysterbro
A wise man is not always a kind man.