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Don't get mad


Last edited by FallenRipper; Apr 24, 2016 at 07:43 PM.
Originally Posted by LEGITTRIX View Post
Hello everyone how is everybody doing today?

I'm feeling good

with my sleepy eyes...
Last edited by harith2708; Apr 24, 2016 at 07:41 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Want to buy Raider force?
Anyways I decided to post something here since I haven't been so active in our clan.
I'm just going to talk about what happened these two days and my thoughts about it.
It was Friday and it was my last babysitting shift ( finnally )
Anyways there was this spoiled little brat that didn't clean up didn't listen didn't do anything at all for the rest of day, being a complete dickhead and pissing me off.
Luckily I'm a very calm and collected person (outside of toribash) and was fortunately lucky enough for me not to murder him at that spot.


I was playing toribash and was reluctant to help the tb community a bit by opening a server with X2XP named "Sparring and Mas training, all newcomers completely welcome"
We got around 6 green to orange belts being fascinated by our skills in MAS xD
We both happily agreed that one of us stayed in the hot seat position and that everyone got their turn. I was in hot seat because
We helped a lot of people and got thanked by blimpsed xD


I was playing in a little betting server and saw my friend Jencam13 with amethyst stuff and I was like "can I have that vampire force you had yesterday?" He said "I'll sell it to you for 1k" I was excited because I got a super
CHeap deal for a 9k force. We ended up, both getting what we wanted.

Anyways I'm just going to leave this here and I wish EVERBODY luck in the future.
bone fuck my ray romano bluray
Best stories I've ever read :'0 icry from too much awesomeness x.x

Big D, how you liking that Dark Souls 3?
Last edited by Milf; Apr 25, 2016 at 02:08 AM.
Mate, if i had dark souls 3 i'd play it on my pc, oh wait it's shit my pc, sorta, playing dark souls 1 xbox one, just taking a bit of a break i need to keep my interest in the game, sorry if i seem inactive, i'm not.
Lmao yah that PC's gotta have a good graphics card for DS haha!! I prefer playing on consoles as well, my PC is right under the recommended specs :/

DS 1 is my favorite out of the 3 so far, I haven't got far into the 3rd one yet so I say that loosely! XD

That my biggest fear about dark souls, when I get into it I lose myself for a while!