Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
You may tomato but carrot is not a vegetable.

I could not have said it better
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
3rd dan black belt
i want to be in the best clan and in an active clan
Psycho and SMF
to join an active clan.
no past infractions/bans
im 21 years old
active Forum and in game
texture making
im a very respectful guy.i dont want bullies and loudmouths and cursing mouths.i take my anger in my action like i want my opponent be scared in how i can break them
Originally Posted by Argie View Post
3rd dan black belt

did you read the first post of the thread where it is indicated that the minimum belt for application is 7th dan?
Originally Posted by Argie View Post
i want to be in the best clan and in an active clan

we are not the best (but we are solid) and we certainly are not active.
Originally Posted by Argie View Post
to join an active clan.

bad choice of clan and not a good reason to be JollyR
Originally Posted by Argie View Post
active Forum and in game

7 posts on forum in a year is not something I would call active at all. I can only conclude that you are as active in game.
Originally Posted by Argie View Post
texture making

anyone can claim this, I think everyone tried to make a texture or two, only few turn out to be good. Post an example next time you apply if you claim you are special in some craft
Originally Posted by Argie View Post
im a very respectful guy.

others should say that about you but you should never claim this for your self
wishful eyes deceive me
Originally Posted by missuse View Post
did you read the first post of the thread where it is indicated that the minimum belt for application is 7th dan?

Uhh wat, why woud he evn read tat?
Originally Posted by missuse
we are not the best (but we are solid) and we certainly are not active.

We are best, we are legion.
Originally Posted by missuse
bad choice of clan and not a good reason to be JollyR

Best clan NA always on allday erryday
Originally Posted by missuse
7 posts on forum in a year is not something I would call active at all. I can only conclude that you are as active in game.

That is legit hardcore posting, it's all about quality, not quantity, especially with activity.
Originally Posted by missuse
anyone can claim this, I think everyone tried to make a texture or two, only few turn out to be good. Post an example next time you apply if you claim you are special in some craft

Maybe anyone can claim they texture but when this guy makes the claim, why even question it?
Originally Posted by missuse
others should say that about you but you should never claim this for your self

Well who knows him better than himself?
I accept all these rules to join Jolly Roger
Parkour,Akido at times,Wushu,Xspar,Spar,Mushu,Soccer,HackeySack
2nd Degree Black Belt (Sorry about the low belt )
Reason for joining is that I really want a new clan my clan is not too good and I don't really like it because its very inactive and I just want to join and do some fun things like events and things like that,also I just want to have a nice clan and I will be a good member and I will help and donate if necessary.
Because it was not a very active or fun clan that didn't have events.
I made a new account and just transferred my items to that because I did not like the name of that account
The U.K.
Not much
None told me
Texture making

About me: I am a nice person I do have a Skype and Steam I am ussally on a lot on both Steam and Skype. So if we ever get into a call I will make it and handle it all. I am also fun and I like to joke around and make jokes and stuff like that because I love just being derpy at times. So please consider inviteing me~Altimas
Attached Files
Breakdanceing with nimbuw.rpl (548.1 KB, 4 views)
Parkour with nicky.rpl (780.9 KB, 5 views)
Parkour with young.rpl (487.2 KB, 4 views)
Application For The Clan [JollyR]
Rules I will follow the rules

Mods Mushu Wushu Aikido Xspar Jisse_Sparring And Hackysack

Belt 6th Degree Black Belt

Reason for Joining I want to join [JollyR] Because I see alot of potential in this clan and I can bring alot of potential in this clan and we can make this a better clan and I would like to help in doing that event

Earlier clans Sm0ke Kick Kitteh Inferno Pure

Why I left those clans Too Inactive

Earlier ACC No earlier Accounts

What happened to those ACC I didnt have any so i cant answer that question

Bought QI No bought QI

No earlier Acc with bought Qi Or More Qi than this one

No Infractions Or bans

TimeZone USA

Age 15

Forum Act 7-9

Ingame Act 9-10

No Vouchers

Special Skills Teaching

About Me My Name Is Demitrius And Im Currently 15 Yrs Old I am a pretty good toribash player myself And I could bring some of my skills to [JollyR] and that could make us a better clan I am a very Nice Person and I can teach people on toribash I once taught a Orange belt and it was a pain but we got through it and he became a good toribash player so I can teach anyone in this clan.... I Mean ANYONE in this clan I wont give up my training program until he is trained and ready to be out on his/her own and thats why i want to Join [JollyR] I also have a skype and I have a steam here they are

Skype Johny.ocper2

Steam spicyhot2

Thank you for reading this Have a Jolly Day

Attached Files
Sparring With Alt.rpl (710.4 KB, 4 views)
Sparring With Angel full.rpl (447.7 KB, 4 views)
Epic Ko.rpl (623.5 KB, 4 views)
Last edited by skateit31; Jan 1, 2013 at 03:46 AM. Reason: Forgot some Important Details