If your whole clan is food at art then [tech] is requesting allies. Would we get a discount on some art then?
Clan leader of [Pyro].
apply here to join.
This clan looks so cool and I love your banner, it's outstanding!
Requesting for single alliance ; I can help with ingame recruiting if you want, or if you're making a gallery on the main post then I can contribute
Originally Posted by Slanesh View Post
Here is a list of bad grammar thingies I corrected for you. ;)

_''Why you quit?(if the question above this is "Nothing" leave this be):''

Why did you quit?(if the question above is empty you can skip this one).

_''No Rule Breaker''

Don't break the rules.

_''Pm The leader or Co-leader if you gonna inactive''

Pm the leader and co-leader if you are going to be inactive for some time.

Reagards @F4atlis''

Kind regards

There are many more of these that you are not aware from.

Thank you for correcting me

Originally Posted by Craved View Post
Seems like a good clan, I love art so single alliance.

Your reason is too weak so NO

Originally Posted by bambam2601 View Post
Hey, requesting single alliance as I would like to help you get this clan up and running.


Originally Posted by MintCat View Post
This clan looks so cool and I love your banner, it's outstanding!
Requesting for single alliance ; I can help with ingame recruiting if you want, or if you're making a gallery on the main post then I can contribute

Thx for your compliment.Help me if you can with recruiting stuff i still need work to do like making the separator
Originally Posted by f4talis View Post

Hi there welcome to my clan....[Art]istic
Hope you enjoy the stay

The Clan Created:26 November 2011
Member Count (exclude leader and Co-leader):0

Clan Story
~In Progress~

Awesome list:
Art Creator:
Art King:
Art Prince:
Art follower:

~No Trolling cause we are one family
~No Spamming
~Don't break the rules.
~Respect other member opinion
~Pm the leader and co-leader if you are going to be inactive for some time.
~No Double clanning
~No Alts

Skill (Art will have a higher chances to accepted):
Example of your skill:
Reason why you want to join:
Ban/Infraction History:
Do you already read the rule?if yes are you swear to respect it until your died:
Past Clan:
Why did you quit?(if the question above is empty you can skip this one).

Have Unofficial Tag [ ]
Have Official Tag [ ]
Have 5 active and loyal member [ ]
Have 10 active and loyal member [ ]
Host 3 event [ ]
Host 5 Event [ ]

If you have an idea for the event fill this form
Name of the event:
and the leader and the co-leader will discuss about it

Ally List
Please put my name like this, "bambam2601"

Kind regards

Read the ally list, i wrote how my name should be.
Dr Zoidberg