Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Banned for a month for trying to help this due get his tc he added accidentally back from his private server and was reported by some random dude that had been afk and came last minute.

Kind of ridiculous. Rigging in a private server...
if u can get away with saying "ni**er" and "fa**ot" in a private server why is it you can still get banned for transferring tc via dp?
since most rules are void in private servers (you can use offensive language just so long as you dont get reported) id think 'decap rigging' would also be void.
(note: its not even decap rigging let alone being close enough to warrant a similar punishment to decap rigging)
Last edited by RedPanda; Mar 6, 2016 at 11:33 AM.
Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18
If nobody else wants it then maybe the rules could exclude it as rigging if it's just them there. E.g. bet server dies and 5k decap is there so the OPs would obviously want it but then they'd have a dillema of how. They could change to fun mods to claim it but it isn't specified if that's allowed or not. Idk, thoughts?
| Leader of FC | Loans | ABD Enthusiast |
Originally Posted by iTemp View Post
Why the fuck is that a thing, your telling me if i put 20k into a decapprize for myself ill get banned for doing so?? What if someone else does a simple 5k or 1k loan through dp it shouldnt be a ban but like 50k and higher should be a ban shjz has been doing that multiple times but isnt banned??

If no one reports him then we can't ban him for it. :| But yes, you will be banned for decap abuse. (Plus, if you give someone a loan and do it properly, you will have proof so we can actually make a scam report and get something back. If you do it via decap we can't do this process because you did it illegally and used a command that makes you relinquish your right to the TC.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
You can only get banned for it if you get reported, maybe no one reported shjz.

Pretty much. If no one reports, how can we do anything?

Originally Posted by haha View Post
i agree that banning someone over transfers through decap is stupid but i also think ur stupid for thinking that transferring 1k shouldnt be a ban but 50k+ should. Rules are rules, and if u committ a crime irl, it dont matter what type of crime you commit, it's still a crime and punishable by law.


Rules are there for a reason.

Originally Posted by Shockey View Post

if you steal a candy bar or rob a bank, the punishment is a little different. the punishment for transferring like 50k shouldnt be the same as 1k.

True, but thats because that crime can scale. This offence doesn't. The rule is "don't do it" and it's not up for negotiation or scaling the offence. So that's not a comparable situation.

Originally Posted by iTemp View Post
shockey has a point, especially when it comes to loans by decapprize what im saying is that they should ease it up on the ban's especially for a small loan

No. Because above.

Originally Posted by Pimp View Post
why is anyone loans through decap prize?
if its a real loan the person getting said loan wouldn't have to pay back at all since tc from decapprizes cant be taken back. Honestly its not hard to get on the forums and send tc come on

^ pretty much. (plus if you're loaning via decapprize you're clearly trusting the wrong person anyway)

Originally Posted by iTemp View Post
well some people are impatient and don't want to wait to play 20 games to get a loan, so i would understand if ur a dueler to get a loan especially if its someone good why wouldn't you loan them 5k or 10k?? and they can easily pay you back

Their impatience shouldn't take priority over your safety and security.

Originally Posted by haha View Post
but at the end of the day there's still a punishment involved? he said if its 1k it shouldnt be a ban but if it was 50k it should

Read what I said in response to the first Itemp post, and Shockeys post.

Originally Posted by Pimp View Post
"if its a real loan the person getting said loan wouldn't have to pay back at all since tc from decapprizes cant be taken back"
^that's why you wouldn't loan them and if you do end up reporting them nothing could be done for you and shouldn't be loaning to banned people on new alts anyway
and the amount of tc you stole or scammed or rigged is irrelevant you shouldn't be rigging scamming or stealing anyway you knew it was wrong

Pretty much.

Originally Posted by Demon View Post
i do agree, it's a bit fucking crazy how me and hypez were banned for a month for decap rigging
in our own server
with 1k decapprize
we had sat there for literally like an hour and wizard stayed the entire time.

We sat there and warned you not to do it. We were perfectly alright to watch you play for it and play you for it ourselves. We even offered to send it back anyway. Then you broke the rules and you treated it as a joke. Just because you feel like you're going to be dumb and make our job difficult for "memes" doesn't mean you get a free pass.

Originally Posted by Torarara View Post
Banned for a month for trying to help this due get his tc he added accidentally back from his private server and was reported by some random dude that had been afk and came last minute.

Kind of ridiculous. Rigging in a private server...

You should have read the rules. You've been around long enough to know what is allowed and what isn't. This surprises me since I thought you were up to scratch on everything.

Originally Posted by RedPanda View Post
if u can get away with saying "ni**er" and "fa**ot" in a private server why is it you can still get banned for transferring tc via dp?
since most rules are void in private servers (you can use offensive language just so long as you dont get reported) id think 'decap rigging' would also be void.
(note: its not even decap rigging let alone being close enough to warrant a similar punishment to decap rigging)

Ok first off. You can use the language you want because it's your server. But if you start cussing people out and being overly offensive and racist. You're gonna get told off.

Definition of "Match fixing":
In organized sports, match fixing occurs as a match is played to a completely or partially pre-determined result, violating the rules of the game and often the law. ...

The 'Pre-determined' result, in this case, would be the person getting the decap and winning by after the two players organise the result to end the way they want. This is against the rules. If you're going to DONATE TC TO A PRIZE THAT IS MEANT TO BE FAIRLY WON AND COMPETED FOR, you lose your right to own that TC. Once again, non-negotiable.

Originally Posted by ZENBOY123 View Post
If nobody else wants it then maybe the rules could exclude it as rigging if it's just them there. E.g. bet server dies and 5k decap is there so the OPs would obviously want it but then they'd have a dillema of how. They could change to fun mods to claim it but it isn't specified if that's allowed or not. Idk, thoughts?

Read the rules, this exact thing is also forbidden.
Originally Posted by Basics - Rules - Betting Server Rules and Guidelines
Rigging a Decap Prize
First off, a decap prize is a PUBLIC mini event that is avaliable in any server with the command "/decapprize <****>" used to add any number between 1 and 20,000 TC to the server. The server will award said TC to the person that succeded in decapping the other person's tori. (assuming they also win the match)

What is rigging a DP? Rigging a DP means you are setting up the DP to be taken by a specific user or users, be that anyone including yourself. This does not matter if the DP has "your TC" in it. If TC was added to the DP it was donated and, once donated. Is no longer yours and you have NO CLAIM to it at that time or in the future. This means that any attempt to take the TC because "it was yours before you put it in" will be treated as a Decap Prize Rig. If you believe a DP was rigged, or you believe one is about to be rigged, please contact a Staff Member and/ or make a Scam Report. TAKE SCREENSHOTS and please try to provide a replay.
Secodary note: The type of server makes no difference, tournament, betserver, public etc. Decap is public prize and is to ALWAYS BE WON FAIRLY. Any deviation from this rule results in serious punishment.
As a further note, if the server is dying, you may not change the mod/rig the prize. The same rules apply, regardless of whether the server is ending. (same but with added line at the bottom)


Mod gamerule changes
You can use whatever mod you want for the betting server, however if you are changing any gamerules in it (e.g. making the dismemberment threshold higher), you must inform about any changes in your room's motd.
If players are contributing to the decapprize, you are not allowed to change the gamerules or mod in any way until the decapprize is earned.

http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=491136 <== It's all right here