Endurance Onslaught 6.0
BilboopX, a.k.a. Beansprout, a.k.a. NiteNite was my first friend on this game. I still keep in touch with him through the forums but he's rarely ingame.

Bloodyscum, first buddy that I didn't lose contact with right after meeting (bilboop dissapeared for awhile). Scum is pretty much dead at this point, and I've cut all ties with him. I think I might be following him on instagram though.

Tully3. Scum introduced me to this dude. He's pretty inactive, endlessley playing Reign of Kings on steam. I eventually cut ties to him as well, though I play with him then and there.

Bloomedia is a more recent friend that I haven't lost contact with and still play with actively. We met in [Crooks], and when that went to hell we actually made our own clan. Long story short, he's clanless again, and I've joined [Ae]. I have him on skype and steam, and we play CS:GO, and terraria quite a bit. He's one of the only people I'll actually skype with. He's also the guy who encouraged me to continue making replays, sparring, etc.

That's pretty much it. I miss the old days when I was a noob man ;~;
Last edited by Jaxon; Aug 27, 2015 at 04:11 AM.
I'm just gamin' man
Suitable for marriage:
noel tuna ele miner colors nerti

hi fatulbrown
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.