Username: Thanates
Belt: Blue
Best Mods: Aikido, Judo.
Why do you want to join?: I want a clan :3 and Assault its a good name.
Then you must look for an Assault server to tryout in game: Done, I already passed before posting on the forum

Username:joeruel123 (and firehero)
Best Mods (TK and twinsworsds)
Why do you want to join? i've been in assault before and when it died i wuz bummed now its back and so am i!
Joeruel123 - Your worst nightmare...
@ thanates...

I would be glad to accept u in now all u need is HARDYDX's approval and ur in!
Joeruel123 - Your worst nightmare...
To join the application format is:
Username: smoman1012
Belt: brown
Best Mods: wushu, judo, aikido
Why do you want to join? I want to join assualt becuase ive heard of there long legacy as a great clan, and wanted to be a part of that family.
Then you must look for an Assault server to tryout ingame. done, i already passed before posting on the forum.[/B][/B]
Originally Posted by joeruel123 View Post
@ thanates...

I would be glad to accept u in now all u need is HARDYDX's approval and ur in!

Dont worry he already made it