Belt: Brown
Country: indonesia
Reason to join: want help this clan
Player Card: -
Can you make a Banner, Texture?? nope
Forum activity: (1-10): 1-3
In-Game activity: (1-10): 4-6
Junior Member

Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 2

Belt: Brown
Country: indonesia
Reason to join: want help this clan
Player Card: -
Can you make a Banner, Texture?? nope
Forum activity: (1-10): 1-3
In-Game activity: (1-10): 4-6

nevermore1: wait ViperVolt respond
Age: 18
Belt: Blue
Country: Indonesia
Reason to join: Invited
Player Card: ----------
Can you make a Banner, Texture?? Can i ?? Maybe..
Forum activity: (1-10) 1
In-Game activity: (1-10) 6
louryan welcome to knight and timothy too u guys accpeted by me im co - ldr.timothy try to make many post count and louryan too
Reason to join:i can save yall
Player Card:ehh
Can you make a Banner, Texture?? hell yes, im a design pro, and i can make vids
Forum activity: (1-10) 8
In-Game activity: (1-10 9

Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 419

Junior Member

Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 5

Age: 18
Belt: Blue
Country: Indonesia
Reason to join: Invited
Player Card: ----------
Can you make a Banner, Texture?? Can i ?? Maybe..
Forum activity: (1-10) 1
In-Game activity: (1-10) 6

nevermore1: wait vipervolt respond