I knew that, I wasn't saying anything to / about you. I was attacking Furybull for posting in this thread...
'Speed doesn't kill people. It's coming to a sudden stop that kills you' - Anon
'A witty saying proves nothing' - Anon
'The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one.' — George Bernard Shaw
I'm still here. I do check back occasionally, I just haven't found the time to keep as active. And with my exams coming up, etc. Meh, but I do still play sometimes.
Not still alive, but I feel like posting here anyway to say hi.


/end post
I don't actually play. Very often. If you want me, schedule a time. Don't count on luck.
Sorry I haven't been on. I've been busy with ub3r epic youtubez. I have a channel that's becoming semi-successful. Just send me a PM or something if I need to be contacted for important clan stuffz. If you wanna see the channel, It's
I'm also part of

Again, send me PM's or something if important clan business is up. I can test new members anytime you need me to. I can help moderate important happenings. Just don't ask me to on MWF from 10-12. I have American Football Practice (American for those people who don't live in the US.)

Well, I'm out once again. I may be more active. I have nothing else really to do other than post on the forums and maybe play some TB. UNITE4FUN MESSAGE ME I WANNA PLEH HALOZ WITH UUUUU.

Gamertag: o Fear Engine o / SAVIOR OMEGA
Some people kick ass. I think a kick in the balls works is more effective. If you have AHDH or ADD, Click here! Proud eater of breakfast! Visit my shop! Support Decoleman!
I'll send a friend req, just pmed you. I see you're a lieutenant... I just got lieutenant grade two today
Noice. I'm really a colonel gr 2 but he ran out of gold so my friend gave me his account he never used.
Some people kick ass. I think a kick in the balls works is more effective. If you have AHDH or ADD, Click here! Proud eater of breakfast! Visit my shop! Support Decoleman!
I live in the pacific time zone if that's what you mean.
Some people kick ass. I think a kick in the balls works is more effective. If you have AHDH or ADD, Click here! Proud eater of breakfast! Visit my shop! Support Decoleman!