Original Post
Toribash 3.86

Change log:
- Added Free Cam
* 1 - normal cam
* 2 - free cam
* 3,4 - Uke/Tori cam
- Added camera key frames
* k - add a keyframe
* Shift+k - remove all keyframes
* i - auto keyframing
- Key frames are saved with replays (CAM 0; <lookfrom> <lookat>)
- Faster multiplayer FPS (replays and ghosts are cached)
- Re-added option for mouse buttons (old-control scheme)
- Removed music and ghost sounds
- Fullscreen auto resolution (tries to find a proper resolution when switching to fullscreen)
- Smoother camera (added a bit of decay)

Bug Fixes
- crashes in OSX with autoupdate
- Transparency problems
- Fixed particles and hard shadows in shaders
- Fixed position of bounty messages
- Fixed sphere quality on bumpmaps

If you have any issues please post it here in the the support beta release forum.
Originally Posted by Robert234 View Post
Dl'ed. Will my items and textures show up? ... D:

They always do. You just have to wait a few minutes. If they still don't appear, type /dl [username] and wait a few minutes. Refreshing the game usually helps.
[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else
I tried /dl, but to no avail. I'll try refreshing, waiting, etc.
"Life has a funny way of throwing wet sponges at our dreams." ~ MoreTh>n Freeman
Originally Posted by Robert234 View Post
I tried /dl, but to no avail. I'll try refreshing, waiting, etc.

When you're DLing your textures, you should see this:

Obviously replace MrTeapawt with your username. It does take a bit for "download of [username] complete" to appear. What's your OS?
[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else
Uh, the download complete part never appears. Sadly, Windows Vista wait for it, Home Basic. /shock
"Life has a funny way of throwing wet sponges at our dreams." ~ MoreTh>n Freeman
Originally Posted by Robert234 View Post
Windows Vista Home Basic.

What? I have a Windows Vista Home Basic for a laptop, and I'm running 3.86 just fine with textures. I don't see what's wrong with yours. You should create a topic in the support section, people there will help.
[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else
The first texture update might take a while. A lot of people streaming now.

When your textures are downloaded you will see a message:
"download complete"